Here’s the corrected Support the Powell’s Books Workers Strike link:
#WritingCommunity #PowellsBooks #strike #bookstodon @bookstodon
#writingcommunity #powellsbooks #strike #bookstodon
There’s a statement authors can sign pledging to not cross the Powell’s Books picket line:
#strike #union #PowellsBooks
#authors @bookstodon #bookstodon
#writingcommunity #strike #union #powellsbooks #authors #bookstodon
Hey look at this
* The @calyxinstitute is seeking an experienced Interim Executive Director
* Scary 'Emergent' AI Abilities Are Just a 'Mirage' Produced by Researchers, Stanford Study Says
* Tell #PowellsBooks: Workers Deserve a Fair Contract with a #LivingWage (h/t Tanya)
Any #Inheritance or #Fractalverse fans in the #PDX area may want to know that #ChristopherPaolini is coming to the Beaverton #PowellsBooks on May 26.
#inheritance #fractalverse #pdx #christopherpaolini #powellsbooks
The used literary magazine section of #powellsbooks in #portland is possibly the most cathartic place ever. A lot of publications have moved online so it almost feels like opening a treasure chest when you crack open a back issue of an old lit mag.
#books #bookstodon #writingcommunity #writing #shortstories #fiction
#powellsbooks #portland #books #bookstodon #writingcommunity #writing #shortstories #fiction
Hooray! Just got an email that my copy of "Bea Wolf" by @ZachWeinersmith and @Bouletcorp has been shipped. Courtesy of #PowellsBooks in #PDX
#books #powellsbooks #running #reading #portland
I think I want to live in the Powell's city of books bookstore 😃 that way I might be able to get some reading done. I would never run out of books either 🤔📚
#books #bookstodon #bookstore #reading #powellsBooks #lol #toots #thoughts
#books #bookstodon #bookstore #reading #powellsbooks #lol #toots #thoughts
So glad that we have #PowellsBooks. #boycott #BarnesandNoble
We all need to support diverse authors and promote new authors. Book stores should be able wandering and discovering new books, not just a place to go and pick up the latest book by the top selling well-known author.
#powellsbooks #boycott #barnesandnoble
Shitty Men In Media by Moira Donegan; crowdsourced
Topics #shittymeninmedia, #shittymediamen, #abusers, #abuse, #misogyny, #patriarchy, #columbiauniversity, #theparisreview, #thenewrepublic, #newyorkmagazine, #londonreviewofbooks, #nymag, #lrb, #harpersmagazine, #harpers, #nplus1magazine, #nplus1, #riverheadbooks, #thebaffler, #thenation, #losangelestimes, #latimes, #thenewyorker, #powellsbooks, #tinhouse, #versobooks, #verso, #wendyssubway, #mcnallyjackson, #bleacherreport, #thetrumpscorecard, #gq, #condénast, #vocativ, #vicesports, #vicemedia, #fsg, #farrarstrausandgiroux, #kissingsuzykolber, #cnbc, #wallstreetjournal, #wsj, #breitbart, #valleywag, #wiredmagazine, #guernica, #brooklynpubliclibrary, #medium, #villagevoice, #fastcompany, #thebatsegundoshow, #batsegundo, #thehuffingtonpost, #huffpo, #politico, #deadspin, #newyorktimes, #nyt, #aeon, #simonandschuster, #harpercollins, #esquire, #gawker, #theintercept, #techcrunch, #buzzfeed, #grantland, #ratter, #quartz, #penguinyoungreaders, #philomel, #fivethirtyeight, #theguardian, #rollingstone, #dailydot, #thedailydot, #macmillan, #motherjones, #pitchfork, #chicagoreader, #nationalgeographic, #slate, #slatemagazine, #mic, #cbs, #cracked, #electronicbeats, #thedailyshow, #euromoney, #nomadcinema, #newyorkmedia
#shittymeninmedia #shittymediamen #abusers #abuse #misogyny #patriarchy #columbiauniversity #theparisreview #thenewrepublic #newyorkmagazine #londonreviewofbooks #nymag #LRB #harpersmagazine #harpers #nplus1magazine #nplus1 #riverheadbooks #thebaffler #thenation #losangelestimes #latimes #thenewyorker #powellsbooks #tinhouse #versobooks #verso #wendyssubway #mcnallyjackson #bleacherreport #thetrumpscorecard #gq #condénast #vocativ #vicesports #vicemedia #fsg #farrarstrausandgiroux #kissingsuzykolber #cnbc #wallstreetjournal #wsj #breitbart #valleywag #wiredmagazine #guernica #brooklynpubliclibrary #medium #villagevoice #fastcompany #thebatsegundoshow #batsegundo #thehuffingtonpost #huffpo #politico #deadspin #newyorktimes #nyt #aeon #SimonandSchuster #harpercollins #esquire #gawker #theintercept #techcrunch #buzzfeed #grantland #ratter #quartz #penguinyoungreaders #philomel #fivethirtyeight #theguardian #rollingstone #dailydot #thedailydot #macmillan #motherjones #pitchfork #chicagoreader #nationalgeographic #slate #slatemagazine #mic #cbs #cracked #ElectronicBeats #thedailyshow #euromoney #nomadcinema #newyorkmedia
📣 New Podcast! "Episode 1197 - Modern-Day Book Burners & Biden's Personnel Chief CCP Connection" on @Spreaker #AndyNgo #antifa #bidenadministration #ccp #demoniacresistance #nullification2021 #politicalcorruption #portland #powellsbooks
#powellsbooks #Portland #politicalcorruption #nullification2021 #DemoniacResistance #ccp #Bidenadministration #Antifa #andyngo