GPTrending · @GPTrending
5 followers · 595 posts · Server
nadin brzezinski · @Nadinabbott
1133 followers · 1443 posts · Server

Ok folks, as far as I know Semyon has no contacts within . He is more my man on the (digital) street running around with . So take this as best as you can, add some salt. But this may indicate a fight with Evgeny Prighozin, and . Second or third today. What is Semyon ?


#hearing #wagner #rumors #powerStructures

Last updated 2 years ago

Literally everything is a form of .

- Inter-office,
- Family,
- Almost every great joke ever made is a political statement,
- Every attempt to gain favour with a person or entity is a political act, eg. .
- Administrators of forums are dealing with politics as to what content they might allow, ie. all and content is actually political.

We are all political animals. It is only that enables one to not focus on .

#politics #lobbying #censorship #politicallyCorrect #privilege #powerStructures

Last updated 4 years ago