Returned to some code I wrote a few years ago. Not sure wether to continue it using cc65 or take things a little more back to the roots and use on the natively.

#cc65 #powerc #commodore64

Last updated 2 years ago

The advantage of this setup is that your will now boot immediately into the Power-C shell. Yes, you still need to enter a 'work 9 0' command and a 'disk cd//<your>/<power-c>/image.d64' command after that, but then it's a very fast environment.

#commodore64 #powerc #compiler #kungfuflash #moa

Last updated 2 years ago

So this morning I received my Kung Fu Flash cartridge and I am now testing some stuff with it, namely my Power-C setup.

Works nice if you put both sides of the Power-C D64 images on a single D71 or D81 image and then mount and run that from the Kung Fu Flash. Unfortunately, it is not possible to compile that way since the compiler runs into problems trying to write to the KFF attached image. I expected that behaviour since Kung Fu Flash is not the same as SD2IEC or a 1541 Ultimate cart.

But compiling with a Kung Fu Flash will work if you have an additional SD2IEC or other drive set to device '9' and put your work disk image there.

Then all IO for the compile is done on the SD2IEC / other attached disk image (device '9'). The Power-C compiler and linker will then only read from the KFF attached disk (e.g. herder files, libs), which works without any problems.

#commodore64 #powerc #compiler #kungfuflash #moa

Last updated 2 years ago

Inspired by another conversation, I'd like to point you Commodore 64 people to the "Power-C" compiler for the C64. Requires two disk drives but it is a very cool, comes with a slightly unix-ish shell. The site contains all disks, manual, extensions and hints & tips on how to use the compiler. you may want to check it out!

#commodore64 #coding #powerc

Last updated 2 years ago