éric 🚲 🇪🇺 :emacs: · @ericsfraga
724 followers · 197 posts · Server fediscience.org

And the third of recent papers published! No link this time but happy to send eprint to anybody that is interested.

#fusion #nuclear #powergeneration #dynamics #modelling #heatexchanger #energy

Last updated 1 year ago

Futurist Jim Carroll · @jimcarroll
1817 followers · 3147 posts · Server futurist.info

Prior to the arrival of large language models (LLMs) as seen with technologies like ChatGPT, the use of AI within the world of energy, particularly energy utilities and the electrical grid was defined by the massive data sets derived from the connectivity of the grid; the acceleration of renewables and grid technology that required the use of AI for management of variable power generation; and other similar trends.

Google ‘big data and energy‘ and you can get a sense of what was happening.

The phrase ‘smart grid’ was with us for years – and much of the ‘smart’ within the grid already involved AI.

Today? There is a lot more yet to come.

And it has little to do with ChatGPT.

It's another one in my series of AI Megatrends - and if you don't know what's going on, you should.


**** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

#ai #technology #management #electrical #renewables #energy #powergeneration #utilities

Last updated 1 year ago

Tina M Casey · @Casey
54 followers · 152 posts · Server newsie.social
Tina M Casey · @Casey
88 followers · 159 posts · Server mastodon.green
Joe Vilas · @jhv
382 followers · 15341 posts · Server triangletoot.party
Garry Knight · @garry
1746 followers · 2292 posts · Server mstdn.social

This New Device Generates Electricity From Thin Air

'Nearly any material covered with tiny holes can derive energy from humidity, per a new study, opening doors to more sustainable power'

Beats the kite method.


#electricity #powergeneration #Science

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael T Babcock · @mikebabcock
212 followers · 1512 posts · Server floss.social

I wish them luck making it happen.
"EPA plan would nearly eliminate power plant emissions by 2040" - The Washington Post

#greenenergy #powergeneration #environment #regulation

Last updated 2 years ago

anlomedad · @anlomedad
460 followers · 1872 posts · Server mst.mineown.de

What loss of summer means:

: cubs lose their playgrounds on floating ice sheets.

# Loss of known weather patterns :
- bad for agriculture, nature, , .

- human, plant, and animal health suffers, including insects, in more and longer heatwaves.
- some pollinators lose fertility in heatwaves; offspring has even lower fertility.
- Stationary heat in Alaska's and Canada's heated rivers kills and animals who used to feed on salmon, like the .

- speeds up. CH4 is emitted which accelerates warming and increases impacts, including impact on further 🔁

- stationary heat evaporates water from forest and causes bigger fires. Wrt boreal fires, we lose the carbon sink.
- Air pollution: for animals and humans in Siberia but also in Moscow, air in summer becomes toxic from the smoke.
- emissions CH4, CO2 increase from more fires. All the fossil CO2 that had been so neatly parked in forest trees, is emitted at once. Which accelerates heating 🔁

-ignited from fires started in summer heatwaves can smoulder on through winter under snow, and flare up again next spring, hot or not. More , more permafrost thaw 🔁

- high expands then, and pushes the Iceland low AND its rains, further North. Regions fall dry which used to get their summer rain from the Iceland low (or even winter snow, but then due to slowdown – which expands the Azore high in winter).
Northern Italy, France, the Alpes, Benelux, Germany... dry when we lose sea ice. Dryer still in more or longer heatwaves. 🔁 with and

- Northern Europe receives more rain because the Iceland low has to drop its ballast somewhere.
-More like July 2021 in Belgium and Germany in more frequent stationary lows like Bernd.

Asia / China is affected by loss of sea ice. But I forgot how.

#arctic #seaice #extinction #polarbear #biodiversity #adaption #health #salmon #grizzly #permafrost #permafrostthaw #forestfire #miscarriage #ghg #ghostfire #peat #drought #azores #amoc #fires #croploss #waterscarcity #waterwar #industry #powergeneration #flooding #flashflood #monsoon

Last updated 2 years ago

Tina M Casey · @Casey
33 followers · 49 posts · Server newsie.social
Tina M Casey · @Casey
57 followers · 63 posts · Server mastodon.green
Tina M Casey · @Casey
630 followers · 72 posts · Server masthead.social
Anne M Powers · @annempowers
64 followers · 293 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Eduardo Mora · @eddmora
6 followers · 1538 posts · Server mastodon.social

RT @powergenintl@twitter.com

U.S. aims to streamline offshore wind development. Read it now on Power Engineering! Full article here ➡️ power-eng.com/renewables/wind/

🐦🔗: twitter.com/powergenintl/statu


Last updated 2 years ago

rye · @rmaloley
103 followers · 443 posts · Server infosec.exchange

Hey Today Show? When your chyron says "Gas Stove Ban Controversy" and no one in the federal government is actually calling for a ban then you are misleading your viewers. It doesn't help when you play random TikToks as well.

Just state the fucking facts. Gas stoves are proven to have air quality issues. Electric stoves are safer and better for the environment.

Our society is dumb. We should be working towards not sending gas to our homes in pipes. Every house is a potential bomb. We should be moving to electric everything. Plus install solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear wherever we can.

#electricity #gas #powergeneration

Last updated 2 years ago

Jens · @Investor
4 followers · 80 posts · Server mas.to

Days like today, can help balance the net, lower the impact of well producing wind turbines ⚡💪🤜

Too bad we pay a high bill despite our helping hand

#grid #powergeneration #sustainablefuture #vehicle #electric #cars #bev

Last updated 2 years ago

Jonathan Baker-Bates · @Gilgongo
56 followers · 233 posts · Server mastodon.social

35% of the UK's is being provided by right now. Also interesting that about 20% is from French and other electricity interconnectors, which might be similarly mostly from wind?


#powergeneration #wind #climatecrisis

Last updated 2 years ago

MartinKJ · @MartinKJ
29 followers · 83 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Just before Christmas I noticed the cost of generating 1MWh of electricity hit £1500 at one point, today the cost has hit £0 per MWh a few times, even dropping below zero once. I don't understand these figures at all. Does anyone understand how these figures are calculated? Doesn't seem to change my monthly bill whatever the cost of generation.


#nationalgrid #powergeneration

Last updated 2 years ago

dominik lenné · @dlen
94 followers · 711 posts · Server mastodon.green

RT @gerardreid14@twitter.com

Earlier today, agreed on a badly needed reform of the EU Emissions Trading System () which is the system of cap-and-trade of allowances for industries and the sector. The most critical points are:

🐦🔗: twitter.com/gerardreid14/statu

#eu #EUETS #carbonemissions #energyintensive #powergeneration

Last updated 2 years ago

Bachar Samawi · @bacharsamawi
1 followers · 3 posts · Server climatejustice.social

There is an 85% increase projected during next 5 years in renewable energy growth rate - equivalent to 2,400 Gigawatts - according to an article by Scientific American; and yet not enough for net-zero by 2050. More impressive is the fact that these projections keep getting revised upwards; so could they yet be revised even higher next year?

Solar is expected to lead the pack, with wind being second behind.

Most importantly, according to the article, Renewables will overtake coal by 2025.

A link to the very informative article is provided below:


#renewableenergy #renewables #solar #wind #esg #impact #environment #conservation #coal #fossilfuel #electricity #powergeneration #power #hydrogen

Last updated 2 years ago

Alan Cordova · @alan
22 followers · 24 posts · Server sfba.social

" would buy Adani’s at more than five times the market price of bulk electricity in the country...even with prices returning to prewar levels...Adani’s would cost Bangladesh 33 percent more per kilowatt-hour than the publicly disclosed cost of running Bangladesh’s domestic coal-fired plant. When compared with that of Bangladesh’s Kaptai farm, Adani’s power could be five times as expensive." wapo.st/3BmYOiz

#bangladesh #electricity #coal #power #solar #powergeneration #energy

Last updated 2 years ago