RT @alexbercht: Die Halbzeit-Konferenz von @industriall_europe geht zu Ende. Gute Debatten zur Zukunft der Industrie in Europa und zur gewerkschaftlichen Strategie für gute und sichere Arbeitsplätze liegen hinter uns. Die @igbce-Delegation macht sich motiviert auf die Heimreise. #PowerInAUnion https://t.co/xCGKVpOE3C
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1664604680775778305
RT @industriAll_EU: .@Depalma_michele representing @industriAll_EU with our #PowerInAUnion T-shirt 👏🏻✊🏻🌈
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1664604593605451779
RT @FemcaCISL: Politica industriale sostenibile, partecipazione e democrazia nel lavoro, solidarietà e rinnovamento sindacale, sicurezza e benessere nei luoghi di lavoro, retribuzioni giuste, inclusività: approvato oggi dall’esecutivo @industriAll_EU il piano strategico 2023-2025
#powerinaunion https://t.co/I21PZt3jh8
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1664331022022877188
RT @industriAll_EU: Europe's industrial trade unions set course for the next two years at the Mid Term Conference in #Thessaloniki
https://news.industriall-europe.eu/Article/912 https://t.co/pdLhHAy9tG
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1664268744888291328
RT @IsabelleBarthes: The youth members taking over the stage #PowerInAUnion Mid Term Conference paving the way for a stronger voice for youth @industriAll_EU @Jude_KD @PatriciaVelicu https://t.co/Axq0fReLEl
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663930686359715840
RT @IsabelleBarthes: Amazing team still smiling after a long hard day of work 🙏🙏 #PowerInAUnion @industriAll_EU @Jude_KD https://t.co/Ykcw4fXqAp
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663930592440745990
Great to have a dynamic youth network in @industriAll_EU - driving the organisation forward, pressing for union renewal & demanding a strong voice for young people in decision making ✊
#PowerInAUnion ✊✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻✊
RT @industriAll_EU: Walking the talk on youth involvement! @Romain_Dargent chair of the Youth Group presents the results of our Youth Action Plan 👉🏼 25 national plans in 12 countries and up to 10% more young members for some💪🏼
Based on these results, our…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663921431929933824
RT @cfecgcenergies: Le prix de la « Diversité sur le lieu de travail » 🏳️🌈est remis à Elisabetta Agrícola @cgil 👏👏👏Promouvoir la diversité et l’inclusion est aussi une priorité d’@industriAll_EU et de la @cfecgcenergies
#PowerInAUnion https://t.co/WktMitZl7k
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663915286016278534
RT @setomwork: 💚 Europas bästa delegation, @Unionen, på plats i Thessaloniki på @industriAll_EU halvtidskonferens!
#PowerInAUnion #socialeurope #sveu #arbetsmarknad https://t.co/4M8ml3MLNL
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663910348032704512
#powerinaunion #SocialEurope #sveu #arbetsmarknad
RT @ElspethHathaway: 📢 Calling all fashionistas 😎! There’s only one must have this summer… @industriAll_EU’s #PowerInAUnion t-shirt 😍. Made in Europe by organised workers using organic fair trade cotton. With proceeds going to help persecuted trade unionists in Belarus 🇧🇾 what’s not to love ❤️? https://t.co/0Yb5w5dGVp
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663907234395332611
Attention at @industriAll_EU Mid-Term Conference takes a closer view at union renewal #PowerInAUnion with our organisers building trade union power in central & eastern Europe
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663905494891732992
RT @industriAll_EU: …. there’s power in a union ✊🏻 #PowerInAUnion
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663879368676917249
RT @cfecgcenergies: Autre moment fort dans cette conférence mi-mandat @industriAll_EU Intervention particulièrement poignante de notre collègue Maksim sur la situation en Biélorussie. Soutien total aux syndicalistes emprisonnés en Biélorussie #PowerInAUnion https://t.co/iSx03B9eEL
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663848320182239232
RT @igbce: "Die Krise der steigenden Lebenshaltungskosten hält an, die Energiepreise sind weiterhin hoch. Darum müssen wir als IndustriAll Europe die Regierungen auch künftig drängen, noch mehr zu tun!" @m_vassiliadis bei der Eröffnung der @industriAll_EU Mid Term Conference. #PowerInAUnion https://t.co/fxu1TytS8T
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663844066449055744
RT @IsabelleBarthes: A role model for all of us! All forms of discrimination have to be fought! Well done Elisabetta 👏👏👏
@industriAll_EU #PowerInAUnion https://t.co/gPa0duRHvR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663844041090367489
RT @FemcaCISL: Thanks to @dna_merch and their workers for making the production of these t-shirts sustainable and fair.
A #garment industry without exploitation and with better working conditions is possible!
#powerinaunion #powerindustriall23 @rizzuto_g @norapatrizia #sustainablefashion https://t.co/oNhxqNzA3P
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663843962832973825
#garment #powerinaunion #PowerIndustriAll23 #sustainablefashion
RT @cfecgcenergies: Moment fort et très émouvant. Témoignages des organisations syndicales🇺🇦 affiliées sur la situation en Ukraine. Le mouvement syndical européen @industriAll_EU exprime toute sa solidarité au peuple ukrainien et réitère sa demande de cessation immédiate de la guerre. #PowerInAUnion https://t.co/l2w77j29BG
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663843883971690496
RT @industriAll_EU: Discussions at our mid term conference are in full swing!
Many interesting interventions from industrial unions across Europe highlighting the strain that has been felt due to the triple crisies in Europe and how it is affecting industries. #PowerInAUnion https://t.co/GUwFkUVwcW
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663843703276941313
RT @industriAll_EU: .@Jude_KD introducing the 1️⃣ panel
We demand an inclusive, sustainable #European industrial policy that
✊🏻strengthens the strategic autonomy of 🇪🇺
✊🏻respects fair & sustainable international trade
✊🏻promotes social progress in every corner of 🇪🇺.
#JustTransition #PowerInAUnion https://t.co/WqcLMU7Xef
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663831637505843200
#European #JustTransition #powerinaunion
RT @industriAll_EU: Our mid term conference shows it’s full solidarity with Belarusian trade union leaders and activists imprisoned by a brutal regime in Belarus 🇧🇾
We welcome Máxime Pazniakou at our mid term conference of the Belarusian independent trade union to tell his story
#PowerInAUnion https://t.co/4PkiGbQcYl
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1663817035309019136