@ldebowsk Adding variants of the #HashTags ...
(Just to help discoverability)
#universalcoding #powerlaw #neuralnetwork #largelanguagemodel #algorithmicrandomness #KolmogorovComplexity #excessentropy #stochasticprocess #informationtheory #mutualinformation #hashtags
With #criticality, due to #PowerLaw(-like) distributions:
"Most of the changes will be small, but for some, you can have large changes."
See also #fractals
Key history point: Stuart Kauffman's #random #Boolean #networks (1969!)
Updated by @cgershen@twitter.com in 2004
#criticality #powerlaw #fractals #random #boolean #networks
6/10) We find that activations across different layers have an #eigenspectrum that follows a #powerlaw. Furthermore, well-defined intervals exist for the power law decay coefficient, α, where models exhibit excellent #OoD #generalization! 📈🎉🥳
#neuroscience #deeplearning #ml #ai #generalization #ood #powerlaw #eigenspectrum
This is going to sound really weird and #Nerd, but without specific controls (and even with them) the #fediverse is probably ultimately going to sort out into a #PowerLaw distribution of users/server. #DataScience #Probability #ChaosTheory
#nerd #fediverse #powerlaw #datascience #probability #chaostheory