Awful things have always happened throughout history, but we’re now more aware of them than ever. While most of us are essentially powerless to do anything about it. Is it any wonder we pine for hits of nostalgia, need coping mechanisms daily or are saddled with mental health issues?
For me the hardest part of all this is the often callous nature of other people. Who deride the problems or dismiss the concerns of others. They re-affirm the status quo by belching up dreck about personal responsibility; safe in their position that goes undisturbed. #StatusQuo #Awareness #Powerlessness #Nostalgia #CopingMechanisms #MentalHealthIssues
#statusquo #awareness #powerlessness #nostalgia #copingmechanisms #mentalhealthissues
Looking forward on the next two days of the 2nd conference of AK Agri-Food Geographies at University of Hohenheim.
Starting the conference with a keynote by Damian Maye on double movements and new geographies of food.
#agrifoodgeos #power #powerlessness #agrifoodsystem #geography
This quote is also too good not to share and I desperately needed it today:
"If you suppose that it’s all your fault that your life feels stuck these days, that you feel powerless and hopeless, do you know what you’re really doing? You are assigning yourself a kind of omnipotence. You are saying that you should have the power to live some kind of ideal life—even in a time of stagnation, collapse, and decay. And so the natural result, when that life doesn’t happen, is to feel depressed, angry, to isolate yourself, sit there in intense, brooding, all-permeating judgment and condemnation."
From Umair Haque's Medium blog post, "Don't Tear Yourself Down Just Because the World Is Falling Apart:"
#Depression #Powerlessness #Hopelessness #Covid #pandemic #ClimateChange #ClimateCollapse #ClimateApocalypse #SystemicCollapse #Poverty #Inequality #Fascism #MentalHealth
#depression #powerlessness #hopelessness #covid #pandemic #climatechange #climatecollapse #climateapocalypse #systemiccollapse #poverty #inequality #fascism #mentalhealth
Dear #therapist: #NewYear reflection. #mentalhealth is (often) a reflection of a persons lived story, symptoms a way to manage #powerlessness, #trauma. If you focus on #diagnosis you (might)lose their story; lose the context. Consider #macro issues, #intergenerational trauma. Move away from fixing/ hero toward emotional & cognitive resonance & #compassion. Be that adult they never had. #therapy #boundaries 💙
#therapist #newyear #mentalhealth #powerlessness #trauma #diagnosis #macro #intergenerational #compassion #therapy #boundaries