Le principal créateur de #PowerPoint est mort
01 Net: Dennis Austin, l’un des pères du PowerPoint, est mort https://www.01net.com/actualites/dennis-austin-lun-des-peres-du-powerpoint-est-mort.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Culture,médias #powerpoint #Microsoft
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Culture #powerpoint #microsoft
[Article Extract] The Developer of #PowerPoint Dies at 76: The program was the digital successor of the overhead projector, and it became one of the most ubiquitous and scorned programs of modern office life. Read more at https://www.washingtonpost.com/obituaries/2023/09/08/dennis-austin-software-developer-powerpoint-dies/. #eDiscovery #LegalTech #Business
#powerpoint #ediscovery #legaltech #business
Me, using #Microsoft #PowerPoint for the first time: “Hmm, how do I turn on invisibles/formatting marks?”
PowerPoint: “Hahaha no.”
#PowerPoint co-creator #DennisAustin is dead at 76
Dennis Austin, who co-created PowerPoint, passed away at his home in Los Altos, California, on September 1st, reports The Washington Post. His son, Michael Austin, said he’d had lung cancer that had metastasized to his brain, according to the Post. He was 76 years old.
Dennis Austin was the principal developer for PowerPoint from 1985 until 1996.
#PowerPoint co-creator Dennis Austin is dead at 76
#powerpoint #dennisaustin #microsoft #microsoftoffice #tech
Whether you love or hate #PowerPoint, you certainly can't deny it's been an impactful piece of #software in how we lead our lives.
Interesting anecdotes by @thurrott 👇
#microsoft #mac #apple #windows #academicchatter @academicchatter
#powerpoint #software #microsoft #mac #apple #windows #academicchatter
Whether you love or hate #PowerPoint, you certainly can't deny it's been an impactful piece of #software in how we lead our lives.
Interesting anecdotes by @thurrott 👇
#microsoft #mac #apple #windows
#powerpoint #software #microsoft #mac #apple #windows
Dennis Austin, the software developer of PowerPoint, died on 1 September at age 76.
I just saw the paywalled Washington Post obituary dated 8 September.
"The program was the digital successor of the overhead projector. It became one of the most ubiquitous and scorned programs of modern office life." But I remember that it really seemed magical when it first came on our screens.
#dennisaustin #obituary #powerpoint #technology #history
RIP Dennis Austin. #PowerPoint #Microsoft #dennisaustin
#dennisaustin #Microsoft #powerpoint
I need fresh ideas for my slide deck.
I’ve one #Powerpoint file for all my talks, organized by topic.
Some love it, especially the list of topics in the sidebar.
Others cringe as much as I do (e.g., because my name and website are on every slide).
How do you organize and present all of your #slides?
What formats, templates, or designs work well?
(Is it safe to assume our slides will never again be on a 4:3 display? Can we finally go #widescreen?)
#powerpoint #slides #widescreen #PublicSpeaking #teaching #graphicdesign
#goedemorgen #educatie #edutooters . Vandaag start ik met de #KIS #AMA over de studie coach optie in #Powerpoint
#goedemorgen #educatie #edutooters #kis #ama #powerpoint
Anderes Thema, ähnlicher Kontext: Mich hat vor einigen Jahren nachhaltig beeindruckt, dass im Küchenplanungs-Service von #IKEA eben dieses #PowerPoint ganz lässig als #CAD-Ersatz für das Zeichnen und Bemaßen von Zuschnitt-Plänen für Custom-Arbeitsplatten-Layouts genutzt wurde. https://openbiblio.social/@rstockm/111011957443972537
Ich war schon immer der Meinung, dass #powerpoint in vielen Aspekten besser funktioniert als #keynote, etwa im Zeichenbereich.
Die neuen KI-Methoden für Auto-Layouts sind jetzt nochmal ein echter Gamechanger - da kommen _wirklich_ interessante und brauchbare Vorschläge. Etwa inhaltlich passende Symbole für Textblöcke.
#powerpoint #slideshow
#laborday #powerpoint #slideshow
Unpopular opinion:
I love #PowerPoint for creating app guides and tutorials 💙
Hello #clever people - I need a bit of #PowerPoint help.
Does anyone know how to set up a #colour palette in PPT that has a larger number of colours than the standard 8-10? Basically I need a colour set of about 28 colours but seem only able to create I think 10 in the normal palette?
Thanks in advance! :)
Pretty cool Woot deal today if you don’t already have it via work for example. The big four - #Word, #Excel, #PowerPoint, #Outlook.
#Microsoft Office Professional 2021 for PC - $39.99 - Free shipping
#word #excel #powerpoint #outlook #microsoft #windows
I hope this makes you smile as much as it makes me smile this morning. Thank you #PowerPoint folks for this. I really need to figure out how to use this in a presentation!