It's day two of my #Powershell for DBAs class.
Why don't students and sales weasels make sure students meet prerequisites?!
On the other hand, if that had been done, there would be no class, as I am the only student who has the pre-req knowledge.
Not sure if I'm going to benefit, but my current PS script is getting longer, so at least I am getting work done.
#powershell #goodmorning #today
Cybercriminals Using #PowerShell to Steal #NTLMv2 Hashes from Compromised #Windows ⚠️
Beginning to prep my sessions for #MMSMiami. Of course, I'll be talking #PowerShell
My premium #PowerShell subscribers are learning about managing extended file attributes from a PowerShell prompt, with a few more articles on the way.
#GoodMorning and Happy Monday.
I'm starting off my work week with a two-day class on #powershell for DBAs, so looking forward to the day. I'm hoping for an easy class that is more of a refresher.
#goodmorning #powershell #today
What if your #readline shipped with Copilot?
I'm still not sure if this is something I need or not, but I got Microsoft's CodexCLI working (again), just so I could show it off.
This is how I want github #copilot CLI to integrate.
I *do* like the explanations the current Copilot CLI gives, but I want this in the readline because I want to be able to edit the command I get back.
#PowerShell #Bash #Zsh #PSReadline
P.S. My working fork is at
#readline #copilot #powershell #bash #zsh #psreadline
Figured I'd wait til review was finished before sharing my latest article published on @medium with Level Up Coding! Nothing super fancy, but definitely a great little insight into creating small user interfaces with #powershell to #automate daily IT tasks. Sometimes it's all you'll have at your disposal in a corporate environment! 😎 🖥 :microsoft: :terminal:
If you write #PowerShell you should check out Jakub Jareš' #Profiler module. In under a minute you can easily see which parts of your code are the slowest, and how slow they actually are so you know if they are worth optimizing.
#todayILearned that running a #powerShell script in a #GitHub action #cicd step - while still using "ubuntu-latest" - works perfectly.
I had a good idea that it *could* work. But having it work on the first try was a #happySurprise
I love #bashScripting, but when I'm generating a #jsonFile, PowerShell is the right tool for the job, for me.
#todayilearned #powershell #github #cicd #happysurprise #bashscripting #jsonfile
#todayILearned that running a #powerShell script in a #GitHub action #cicd step - while still using "ubuntu-latest".
I had a good idea that it *could* work. But having it work perfectly on the first try was a #happySurprise
I love #bashScripting, but when I'm generating a #jsonFile, PowerShell is the right tool for the job, for me.
#todayilearned #powershell #github #cicd #happysurprise #bashscripting #jsonfile
It's September. What presentation would you like to see at next year's #PowerShell summit? Lots of speakers are going to need to put in their talk proposals in the next couple months 😉
I‘ve started to develop a #PowerShell module for the API of #microfocus Service Management Automation X (#SMAX). Could this be useful for someone here?
Update to #365AutomatedLab
Now you can add the 3 different types of #Sharepoint sites using an excel workbook in one #PowerShell cmdlet! The remove is coming shortly 🙂
Thanks to @blackboxcoder for the help!
#365automatedlab #sharepoint #powershell #it #Microsoft365 #automation
Warum sollte man PowerShell-Klassen nutzen?
Klassen werden in #PowerShell gerne übersehen, sie können einem das Leben aber oft viel einfacher machen. Christoph Burmeister zeigt und am 16.09. auf dem PowerShell Saturday in #Hannover ein paar Beispiele und Hintergründe, warum wir Klassen nutzen sollten.
4:30am seems like the right time to do an outline for a video on #365AutomatedLab a fun and useful #PowerShell #Microsoft365 Module
#365automatedlab #powershell #Microsoft365
My more "realistic" idea is to have a Cmdlet like Register-ArgumentCompleter that registers an output parser. This is very similar to Jim Truher's idea from but it'll just extend commands instead of replacing them. I'd like to keep the original syntax of commands, I think it helps not having to translate snippets found online into #powershell speak.
My more "realistic" idea is to have a Cmdlet like Register-ArgumentCompleter that registers an output parser. This is very similar to Jim Truher's idea from but it'll just extend commands instead of replacing them. I'd like to keep the original syntax of commands; I think it helps not having to translate snippets found online into #powershell speak.
The idea I'm most excited about is this: If a command begins by writing a specific escape code (OSC sequence or something?) then #powershell will interpret each line as an object by parsing the XML/JSON/whatever seems to be the best format. We can use other escape codes for Write-Host stuff, and stderr should not be parsed (right?).
I'm thinking about the structured output of #powershell commands, and how it would be nice if "native" commands could do it as well. I've got two ideas and I want to know if people think they have any value: