Hagen Deike Ⓜ️ · @samurai
38 followers · 12 posts · Server sueden.social

Anyone who had their first experience with computers in the 80s often did so on a Commodore 64. The nostalgia of turning on the blue screen lasts to this day. That is why I have adapted my PowerShell environment so that it looks like a C64. How you can customize your shell as well I described here. Have fun with it.


#PowerShell #powershellcore #powershell7 #windows #WindowsServer #WindowsTerminal #terminal #commodore64 #c64 #retro

Last updated 2 years ago

I've been using (formerly ) as my main app for a while, and I've customized it quite a bit, so I thought I'd share some of my favorite .

1. Custom script that launches Tabby, waits for its to appear, then hides it using (see link below)
2. Docking setting enabled (I keep mine docked to the left edge of my main display)
3. Ctrl+` hotkey mapped to "toggle (show/hide) terminal window"
4. Custom , , , , and profiles (both admin and non-admin)
5. running a slightly modified theme

My "Start-TabbyHidden.ps1" script: github.com/JamesDBartlett3/Pos

Oh-My-Posh: ohmyposh.dev

#tabby #terminus #terminal #tabbytweaks #powershell #mainwindowhandle #showwindowasync #win32 #api #github #powershellcore #windowspowershell #cmd #wsl #ssh #ohmyposh #froczh

Last updated 2 years ago