solidarity with the people of so-called jacksonville 🏴☮️
#DeathToTheKlan #powertothepeople
#deathtotheklan #powertothepeople
Welp...#CDC put the #HICPACmeeting video back to #public on #youtube. Guess who now has an mp4 copy 😎
Just in case they take it down again we have multiple avenues to access now.
#HICPAC #PowerToThePeople #COVID19 #CovidIsntOver #COVIDConscious #Healthcare #HealthcareSafety #InfectionPreventionAndControl #PublicHealth #PatientsRights #WorkersRights #HealthcareIsAHumanRight
#cdc #hicpacmeeting #public #youtube #hicpac #powertothepeople #COVID19 #covidisntover #COVIDConscious #Healthcare #healthcaresafety #infectionpreventionandcontrol #publichealth #patientsrights #workersrights #healthcareisahumanright
#Capitalism, with the support of sympathetic governments, externalize as many costs (of doing business) as they are permitted. It's the nature of the game!
Mass migration can be (directly and indirectly) an externalized cost.
Things will not change for the people or the planet, until we wrest control of our lives from the exploitive capitalists and their political class minions.
'Representative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain minority (Oligarch) rule.
We must #AbolishCapitalism and 'representative democracy' before it's too late!
If we are ever to gain life, liberty and happiness, we must establish a #DirectDemocracy/
#ParticipatoryDemocacy .
#SystemFail #capitalism #representativedemocracyisneither #abolishcapitalism #directdemocracy #participatorydemocacy #powertothepeople
How not to do #renewables: A huge hydro plant by #RepublikaSrpska & #GezhoubaGroup will destroy important biotopes, several villages and endanger water supplies for other parts of #BosniaHerzegovina as well as #Croatia. But some locals are fighting expropriation ✊
We have to address both #climatecrisis and the 6th mass extinction. New, centralized mega power plants, which destroy further natural and human habitats for the profit of big corporations, are not the solution. It's time to reduce energy consumption and decentralize production. #PowerToThePeople!
#renewables #RepublikaSrpska #gezhoubagroup #BosniaHerzegovina #croatia #ClimateCrisis #powertothepeople
#AmazonStrike #BHX4Strike #FightforChange #WorkersRights #PowerToThePeople This strike was a courageous and necessary action. It is my hope that this strike will inspire more workers to stand up to powerful corporations and fight for their rights.
#amazonstrike #bhx4strike #fightforchange #workersrights #powertothepeople
Got up at seven on a Sunday so I could play a complex simulation of class conflict. Yes, this is my idea of fun.
#boardgames #hegemony #powertothepeople
On this day in 1972 Shirley Chisholm was nominated the Democratic presidential candidate. She was both the first Black person and woman to be nominated. She ran on the slogan “unbought and unbossed.”
With obvious challenges she called out her gender as the biggest, noting “…I met more discrimination as a woman than for being Black.”
More on Shirley:
#OnThisDay #History #BlackExcellence #Feminism #Equality #Equity #BlackWomen #PowerToThePeople #America #ShirleyChisholm
#ShirleyChisholm #america #powertothepeople #blackwomen #equity #equality #feminism #blackexcellence #history #onthisday
Es ist wie immer:
Wir müssen es selber machen!
#klimaschutz #kohleausstieg #antifa , alles Handarbeit!
👊 👊 👊
#Autonomie und #Solidarität
#klimaschutz #kohleausstieg #antifa #powertothepeople #bildetbanden #Autonomie #solidaritat
Des Weiteren äußerte er sich kritisch darüber, dass @fff sich inzwischen klar als eine linke Bewegung positionieren und dadurch Menschen aus der "flexiblen Mitte" den Zugang zur Klimabewegung verwehren würden. Damit die Klimabewegung weiter wachsen könne, müsse sie insgesamt ein stärkeres Augenmerk darauf legen, diese Mitte zu erreichen. #EuropeCalling #PowertothePeople
#europecalling #powertothepeople
‼️EPP just voted against a cap on the astronomical profits of big energy companies.
Who does @EPPGroup really work for?
❌ Not the people and not the planet.
We deserve better.
Energy is a right, it should be affordable, renewable and publicly owned.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
EPP Group: Congratulations @mgracacarvalho 👏
"The cap on revenues from inframarginal technologies was an absolute red line for the @EPPGroup because it would mean opening the door for an unacceptable market interference and it would be damaging for investment".
#powertothepeople #electricitymarketdesign
Straße für Straße, Platz für Platz ...
Amsterdam 1971: Kinder und Erwachsene erobern sich ihre Straße zurück.
Das Unverständnis und der Widerstand einiger Autofahrer war schon damals bezeichnend. ⬇️
Danke an @Perowinger94 für dieses Zeitdokument.
#Autokorrektur #MehrPlatzfürMenschen #StädtefürMenschen #PowertothePeople
#autokorrektur #mehrplatzfurmenschen #stadtefurmenschen #powertothepeople
"Activity Pub isn't the thing. It's the thing that gets us to the thing."
#HACF #ActivityPub #DecentraliseNow #PowerToThePeople #EndTheWalledGardens
#endthewalledgardens #powertothepeople #decentralisenow #ActivityPub #HaCF
Oops, no book photos. That's okay. They mostly speak for themselves.
It's the weekend. Free your mind, body, and spirit. If our books can help, you know where to find them.
6/9/23 Open 6-10p. No open containers, please.
#DaytonOhio #BrickAndMortar #UsedBookStore #PowerToThePeople #FlowerPower #FlowerFriday
#daytonohio #brickandmortar #usedbookstore #powertothepeople #flowerpower #flowerfriday
«Power to the People» (John Lennon cover) by Tom Morello live at Teatro Caupolicán, Santiago de Chile.
#TomMorello #PowerToThePeople #JohnLennon #Concerts #Conciertos #Chile @concerts @conciertos
#tommorello #powertothepeople #johnlennon #concerts #conciertos #Chile
Wie verhalte ich mich in der Zukunft?
#democracy #demokratie #freedom #powertothepeople #progressive #selfdefence
#selfdefence #progressive #powertothepeople #freedom #demokratie #democracy
Wie verhalte ich mich in der Zukunft?
#anon #anonymous #democracy #demokratie #freedom #powertothepeople #progressive #selfdefence
#selfdefence #progressive #powertothepeople #freedom #demokratie #democracy #anonymous #anon
Wie verhalte ich mich in der Zukunft?
In der Zukunft werdet ihr gefragt werden ob ihr "White Hats" oder "Black Hats" seid. Bitte werdet "Black Hats". Danke!
#anon #anonymous #democracy #demokratie #freedom #powertothepeople #progressive #selfdefence
#selfdefence #progressive #powertothepeople #freedom #demokratie #democracy #anonymous #anon
@mdalgarno I will attend Agile Cambridge.
I also attended the sister conf Agile Manchester where I had several conversations among attendees sharing feedback and powerful questions and ideas to evolve the practices shared.
I'm warming up to the idea of Agile conferences as places where the community collective discuss and evolve ideas together
/cc @gasproni
#Agile #Conference #Cocreation #Coevolution #PowerToThePeople #NoAgileIndustryComplex
#noagileindustrycomplex #powertothepeople #coevolution #cocreation #conference #agile