I was already loving this video, and then there was a performer using a power wheelchair and I was *heart eyes*
Meesha Shafi - Rajkumari (Official Music Video)
#meeshashafi #rajkumari #pakistani #pakistanicanadian #canadian #music #musicvideo #wheelchair #powerwheelchair #powerchair
“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”
#happyholidays #robots #assistivetech #accessibility #powerwheelchair #KinovaRobotics
#kinovarobotics #powerwheelchair #accessibility #assistivetech #robots #happyholidays
What I’m reading today:
Year of the Tiger by Alice Wong
Alice on becoming a #PowerWheelchair user - “The clouds parted, the disabled angels sang, & I took my rightful place on my motorised throne. It was total liberation. I was in a comfortable position &, most importantly, in control…It may seem ghastly to most nondisabled people to rejoice in the use of a wheelchair, but I consider it part of my natural development as an autonomous human being.”
I relate to this so much!
You think I'm wicked now? You should see me without my #coffee. ☕️
#standardpoodle #powerwheelchair
#coffee #standardpoodle #powerwheelchair