I have three different pairs of octopus socks. As I was part of three different panels during the week of the 2023 Parliament of the World's Religions, I opted to wear those socks on my panel days. And I took photos to document my cephalopodic fashion. Tuesday was my Land-Ment ritual, Wednesday the myth/story discussion, and Thursday the Heathen/Christian dialog. Can you match the sock pattern to my panel? #parliament #PoWR #chicago #panel #interfaith #pagan #heathen #socks #cephalopod #octopus
#octopus #cephalopod #socks #heathen #pagan #interfaith #panel #Chicago #powr #parliament
It may be only one sentence and a hyperlink, but the Troth got positive coverage by the Religion News Service in their writeup of the Parliament of the World's Religions this past week.
#heathen #thetroth #interfaith #powr #parliament
It may be only one sentence and a hyperlink, but the Troth got positive coverage by the Religion News Service in their writeup of the Parliament of the World's Religions this past week.
#heathen #thetroth #interfaith #powr #parliament
Started this final day of the 2023 Parliament of the World's Religions with the Ceremony for Planet Earth. #Parliament #PoWR #chicago #pagan #interfaith #nature #ecology #ClimateChange
(And @TravelingMocha (Instagram and Twitter) got in one of my photos.)
#climatechange #ecology #nature #interfaith #pagan #Chicago #powr #parliament
On Wednesday evening, August 16, four pagans joined me for "Revisited, Recycled, and Revamped: How Pagans Use Myths for New Stories that Matter" at the Parliament of the World's Religions. We had a vibrant discussion on myth, story, and the power of narrative. At the end of the panel, I shared a QR code which has the URL for a page on my website with more biographical details and social contacts for each of my panelists... #Parliament #PoWR #pagan #heathen #panel #panelists #myth #story
#story #myth #panelists #panel #heathen #pagan #powr #parliament
The "Tree of Life" with "leaves" that participants added during the Land-Ment ritual I facilitated this morning at the Parliament of the World's Religions. #parliament #PoWR #ecology #ClimateChange #EcoGrief #TreeOfLife #Yggdrasil
#yggdrasil #treeoflife #ecogrief #climatechange #ecology #powr #parliament
Here is the altar for the Land-Ment ritual I facilitated this morning at the Parliament of the World's Religions (@InterfaithWorld. #parliament #PoWR #ecology #ClimateChange #EcoGrief
#ecogrief #climatechange #ecology #powr #parliament
Now attending: Interfaith Ministry in the Postmodern World: Field Notes from Contemporary Practitioners. #parliament #PoWR
My panel appearances at the 2023 Parliament of the World's Religions.
#powr #parliament #religion #interfaith #pagan #heathen #InterfaithHeathen
#interfaithheathen #heathen #pagan #interfaith #religion #parliament #powr
From my interfaith ministry account:
I got word today that my proposal submissions were accepted. I'm going to be a panelist at the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago!
#parliament #panel #PoWR #interfaith #interfaithminister #pagan #heathen #interfaithheathen
#interfaithheathen #heathen #pagan #interfaithminister #interfaith #powr #panel #parliament