READING THE INDICTMENT, one thing is perfectly clear:
THEY KNEW WHERE THESE BOXES WERE. They didn't have to go "Searching" for them, and when the National Archives and The FBI asked them to look for & return them, they didn't have to "hunt them down" or simply "overlooked" some closet in the basement. #LockHimUp #TrumpIndictment #ClassifiedDocs #PRA
#lockhimup #trumpindictment #classifieddocs #pra
I learned alot from this FAQ by National Archives (NARA) explaining the Presidential Records Acy & debunking the outlandish claims being made about other former Presidents getting to possess records & classified docs past their time in office—SPOILER ALERT—THEY DIDN’T! The docs were AT ALL TIMES under the custody & control of NARA in facilities controlled by it.
A legal advisor to T**** cited "The Presidential Records Act" as his defense. Has she ever READ the #PRA? It flat out DESTROYS his defense, not supports him: #FnS #FoxnewsSunday #MtP #MeetThePress #ThisWeek
#pra #fns #foxnewssunday #mtp #meetthepress #thisweek
Wie können Gewerkschaften soziale Standards in globalen #Lieferketten durchsetzen? Wie nutzen Unternehmen Predictive Risk Analysis #PRA, um Streiks und andere Formen des Protests gegen unwürdige #Arbeitsbedingungen zu verhindern? Welche digitalen Tools können #Gewerkschaften nutzen, um dagegen zu halten.
Diese Fragen diskutieren Sophie Rosenbohm, Christian Scheper und Maximilian Heimstädt bei der Konferenz "In Zeiten des Aufbruchs - Arbeit und Wertschöpfung im Wandel" am 22. Mai 2023 in Berlin.
@boeckler_de @l17r
#gewerkschaften #arbeitsbedingungen #pra #lieferketten
The Chinatown Nankin-machi district in Kobe, Japan
#kobe #japan #discoverkobe #pra #visitkobe #hyogoku #visitjapan #mysweetkobe #kansai #hyogo #hyogoprefecture #kobeprambassadors #lovehyogo #lovekobe #art #photo #kobetravel #of #kobeporttower #summervibes #kobesummer #photography #summerishere #kobecity #kobemaritimemuseum #kobemerikenpark #japanphoto #nightphotography #twilight #x
#Kobe #Kobedestinations #kobetour #Kobetravel #Kobetrip #Kobevacation #神戸
#kobe #japan #discoverkobe #pra #visitkobe #hyogoku #visitjapan #mysweetkobe #kansai #hyogo #hyogoprefecture #kobeprambassadors #lovehyogo #lovekobe #art #photo #kobetravel #of #kobeporttower #summervibes #kobesummer #photography #summerishere #kobecity #kobemaritimemuseum #kobemerikenpark #japanphoto #nightphotography #twilight #x #kobedestinations #kobetour #kobetrip #kobevacation #神戸
Not sure if anyone is into podcasts but man oh man anything from the #PRA #PublicRadioAliance is amazing. All radio drama kinds of stuff and now I'm woring my way through a back log of #TheBlackTapes
so fucking good.
#theblacktapes #publicradioaliance #pra
Appellate court CRUSHES Donald Trump, dismisses special master case, chastises Judge Aileen Cannon | by Justice Matters (former Prosecutor Glenn Kirschner) on youTube
#politics #justice #trump #11thCircuit #specialMaster #separationOfPower #USPolitics #JudgeAileenCannon #AppellateCourt #espionage #NARA #PRA
#politics #justice #trump #11thcircuit #specialmaster #separationofpower #uspolitics #judgeaileencannon #appellatecourt #espionage #nara #pra
First talk of this first day at @iprrg Annual meeting by @MelNewfield: decision makers’ trust in #PRA is influenced by the perception about risk assessors’ willingness to solving a real problem
Very excited to be here for the @iprrg conference with so many experts on #PRA and #PlantHealth from all around the world
RT @sylvaingarcia
Le programme complet du @bluemind Summit est disponible ! Un programme aux petits oignons avec (entre autres):
🔹 Nouveautés #Outlook natif & scénarios d'usage
🔹 #Résilience globale : #PRA, #PCA, MAJ à chaud
🔹Pourquoi #Cyrus #IMAP ne suffit plus ?
#imap #cyrus #pca #pra #résilience #outlook
#STOSAR is a 33-month long project financed by 🇪🇺 #eu and implemented by @FAO as the lead implementing agency.
More info on this and other 🇪🇺projects in 🇳🇦 Namibia 👉@EU2Namibia
@EU_Partnerships @eu_eeas
RT @FAONamibia: Under the #EU🇪🇺 funded #STOSAR project, the National Plant Protection Organisation-#NPPO of Namibia🇳🇦 has carried out a Pest Risk Analysis-#PRA at 2 registered facilities in the //Kharas region, which intend to pr…
RT @riskinarviointi: Building up capacity for assessing the probability of pest freedom gained in past pine wood nematode surveys. Ruokavirasto, @VKMmatogmiljo, @_SLU, and SPSMOA all here in The Estonian Agriculture and Food Board’s novel office in Saku. #PWN #PRA #PlantHealth @Plants_EFSA
Bonjour les amis, je reviens dans ce billet sur l'#incident #OVHcloud d'il y a un peu plus de 2 semaines, en vous racontant comment je l'ai vécu aussi bien du point de vue opérationnel qu’émotionnel. Enjoy ! #datacenter #OVHFIRE #pra #crise #gestiondecrise
#gestiondecrise #crise #pra #ovhfire #datacenter #ovhcloud #incident
Votre #PRA pas cher avec un cluster #ProxmoxVE et du #ZFS à l'aide de la réplication asynchrone
Bon ben, rendez vous demain matin pour parler de #PRA avec #ProxmoxVE alors 😅
Le serveur principal (qui host la plupart de est de nouveau UP, sans pertes de paquets :D
J'ai tourné 10 jours sur le #PRA / #DRP sans aucun souci donc je suis "gavé content" comme on dit ici (bascule inverse à prévoir) !
Oui, je fais des tests de #PRA et des #postMortem sur mon #infra perso 😅
Quitte à passer pour un psychopathe jusqu'au bout petit "post mortem".
A 14:45, j'ai voulu simuler la perte du serveur principal. J'ai donc fait un "shutdown". C'est pas aussi radical qu'un "pull the plug" mais j'ai pas la main.