· @wookiearocket
2 followers · 33 posts · Server mastodon.world

some hardcore dice storage for a friend that is really into tabletop wargaming.
After all the pieces are printed, I plan to paint the outside with something thematically appropriate, but I have yet to decide what that will be.


#3dprinting #practicalprinting #functionalprint #timelapse #bambulabx1c

Last updated 1 year ago

Chris Huck :freecad: :ubuntu: · @chrishuck
170 followers · 450 posts · Server fosstodon.org

My IKEA RIGGA clothing rack isn't quite as stiff as it needs to be and has a little lean to it. So, I spent a little time in this morning designing a stiffener that will clamp on each end to hopefully improve that. them in PETG at the moment. Should be complete tomorrow.

#freecad #3dprinting #practicalprinting

Last updated 2 years ago