@Insidevoice I'd go for #IntelligentRealist. Or the twofer of #Pragmatic #Realist. I owned my PPE years and years prior to the pandemic because I knew—KNEW—that something like this was only a matter of time; it was inevitable. The scope of the loss of life and scope of our failure was not.
We didn't learn from influenza, SARS, norovirus, … the Penny Arcade Expo the year after I went invented the term "#PAX plague", because *everyone* became ill. The first superspreader event in my memory.
#intelligentrealist #pragmatic #realist #pax
Who is coming to the Helsinki workshop on #pragmatic borrowings on Thursday this week?
I carry a coin with the inscription "amor fati" but I also carry a folding knife.
Being #pragmatic means 50% of #republicans and 50% of #democrats will hate you 100% of the time.
#pragmatic #republicans #democrats
A little briefing on what #4mStorytelling is. It's made of 4 Modules (hence the "4M"). Each of those has a main component, the so-called "Graphs." I'll be introducing them in future posts. There are also pieces used across the Graphs – these are the Elements and Stickers.
As a visual & tactile #tool, it has mobile components that help you #visualise your #thoughts. With it, you can tell a #story to yourself & the people you work with. As a #method, it facilitates a #pragmatic way of #thinking.
#4mstorytelling #tool #visualise #thoughts #story #method #pragmatic #thinking
My book notes for "The Pragmatic Programmer" https://foo.zone/gemfeed/2023-03-16-the-pragmatic-programmer-book-notes.html #book #programming #pragmatic
Excellent list, well-written descriptions, and practical, non-trivial examples. This is one of the best technical articles I've read in my 25+ years. Easily adaptable to other languages.
There is nowhere near enough detailed, pragmatic, actionable technical information like this available. Bookmarking, saving, sharing, celebrating ...
#Software #Technical #Design #Architecture #Pattern #Development #Engineering #Code #Coding #BestPractice #Example #Pragmatic
#software #technical #design #architecture #pattern #development #engineering #code #coding #bestpractice #example #pragmatic
RIFE2 v1.5 will have a completely new pure #Java build tool and build system built in. No need to mess with scripting languages or configuration files, your whole build process is just written in Java in a very concise and convenient way. Leveraging all the power of modern IDEs.
I recorded a preview video about the build system's current state, curious to hear your thoughts:
#buildtool #buildsystem #productivity #pragmatic #webframework #rife2
#java #buildtool #buildsystem #productivity #pragmatic #webframework #rife2
This article isn’t really about recently laid-off Twitter director Esther Crawford of “sleeping bag” fame. It’s about YOU, without a seven-figure cushion to fall back on when the going gets brutal at work.
#Twitter #BirdSite #boss #bosses #employment #job #jobs #work #manager #management #HorribleBosses #corporate #Machiavelli #pragmatic #pragmatism
#twitter #pragmatism #job #jobs #work #employment #birdsite #boss #bosses #manager #management #horriblebosses #corporate #machiavelli #pragmatic
So I'm sitting here in the dark, working on #Medium and trying to get my #profile, #website, and #theme adjusted. It's times like these where I enjoy the calm before the storm. I'm often reminded of how back and forth #life can be sometimes. From extreme #busy to extreme #silence.
Chapter 15 in the #Tao Te Ching that states:
"Who can be still
until their mud settles
and the water is cleared by itself?
Can you remain tranquil until right action occurs by itself?"
Sometimes, when you allow situations to settle, the answer will arrise all by itself. You don't need to force the outcome or stress. You only need to remain #calm and #vigilant.
I struggle with this with my #children and #wife. At #work, I'm cool, collected, and #pragmatic. But with my #family I'm quick to #emotion and #stuburn in my understanding of the situation. I suppose work is my #yin and my family is my #yang.
Like a crane waiting for a fish. be still and you will be provided for.
#medium #profile #website #theme #life #busy #silence #tao #calm #vigilant #children #wife #work #pragmatic #family #emotion #stuburn #yin #yang #eary #morning #thoughts
Come strappar via un cerotto più indugi più sentirai dolore.
I link to think I'm an #optimist, a hopeful #idealist, and a right-now #pragmatist.
I'd like to tap in the last of those atm. Is there anything we can do now (within months) to decrease #GunViolence?
I'm not looking for "Take away all the #guns" or "Give everyone guns" idealists but #pragmatic solutions.
What I want (what I really, really want) is to know if there are meaningful ways we could reduce the number of victims (especially children) that would work across the political spectrum?
#optimist #idealist #pragmatist #gunviolence #guns #pragmatic
I had a #dream that I'm (calmly) dressing down our #primeMinister, as he smiles and pretends not to hear me call him to shame for his handling of the still-present threat of #covid19.
He ignored my sneering remarks about #primere #blaineHiggs trying to sell what's left of our health services to a #us #prison #corporation.
My dreams are #pragmatic. That's exactly how it'd go down IRL. But the threat is no dream!
We must #saveMedicare and our #nurses!
#dream #primeminister #covid19 #primere #blainehiggs #us #prison #corporation #pragmatic #savemedicare #nurses
In the end, the #USA needs a functioning government and maybe now it's time to take a #pragmatic approach to solving the #speaker problem. And that, most likely, will require a #bipartisan solution, which means accepting that one side does not consist entirely of #demons and the other isn't made up entirely of #angels. And yeah, with two right wing parties in the House it's not going to be #progressive, but THAT problem will take decades to resolve.
#progressive #angels #demons #bipartisan #speaker #pragmatic #usa
Remember in 2014 when #pragmatic mostly-black #Mississippi #Democratic voters crossed party lines to support #Republican #ThadCochran against #wingnut #ChrisMcDaniel?
McDaniel called it illegitimate & generally went ap-sh-t. The tears of your opponent is a lousy basis for doing anything.
Sometimes pragmatism and good-government produces them anyway.
#republican #thadcochran #pragmatic #wingnut #chrismcdaniel #mississippi #democratic
Complete number guessing game webapp in #Java with #RIFE2 and #continuations, all the code is here, including server startup.
You can learn more about web continuations from the RIFE2 docs:
#java #rife2 #continuations #webdevelopment #framework #pragmatic #productivity
#theholisticparent #sineadckavanagh #mentor #educator #guide #parents #families #parentsupport #parenting #thevillage #consciousconnections #share #support #care #practical #pragmatic #compassionate #empathetic #Community #meitheal #love #networkIreland #networkirelandmeath #backedbyAIB #forthegoodofthevillage #peoplebuyfrompeople #courageousvisibility #Christmas #takecare #expectations
#theholisticparent #sineadckavanagh #mentor #educator #guide #parents #families #parentsupport #parenting #thevillage #consciousconnections #share #support #care #practical #pragmatic #compassionate #empathetic #community #meitheal #love #networkireland #networkirelandmeath #backedbyaib #forthegoodofthevillage #peoplebuyfrompeople #courageousvisibility #christmas #takecare #expectations
New paper on the production of verbal expressions of (uncertain) probability #xprag. Using #BayesianDataAnalysis to investigate structural properties of the latent #semantics of expressions like "probable" or "low chance" in a probabilistic model of #pragmatic utterance choice.
Joint w/ Bob van Tiel & Uli Sauerland. #openaccess
#openaccess #pragmatic #semantics #bayesiandataanalysis #xprag
New publication: Schauer, G.A. (2022). #Interlanguage #Pragmatic Development in a German #EFL Secondary School Context - Investigating Input and Output Focussing on the Speech Acts of #Agreement and #Disagreement. In Nicola Halenko and Jiayi Wang (Eds.), Pragmatics in English Language Learning. CUP. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/pragmatics-in-english-language-learning/interlanguage-pragmatic-development-in-a-german-efl-secondary-school-context/FD3364C504A463AFDAE675D4A86A3925
#interlanguage #pragmatic #efl #agreement #disagreement
Functional programming bundle on HumbleBundle full of Pragmatic Programmers
pay what you wantish for DRM free ebooks
Elixir, Clojure, Rust, Kotlin, Scale, more
They also have Blender, O'Reilly and a couple #InfoSec ( No Starch and Wiley ) book bundles open
#pragmatic #techbooks #drmfree #infosec