Mark Rubin · @MarkRubin
1403 followers · 1075 posts · Server

Truth is a process, not a property:

“The truth of an idea is not a stagnant property inherent in it. Truth *happens* to an idea. It *becomes* true, is *made* true by events. Its verity *is* in fact an event, a process, the process, namely, of its verifying itself, its veri-*fication*.”

William James (1907). Pragmatist’s conception of the truth.

Few quotes follow: 🧵👉



#WilliamJames #pragmaticism #truth #philsci #philosophyofscience

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas · @tg9541
105 followers · 478 posts · Server

@algersanpin @philosophy "abduction", also know as "retroduction" .... or as the way our knowledge progresses from a prior "what we believe we know" through a scientific process and logic to a posterior "what we believe we know".

I'm curious if the author's take on is in the spirit of

#pragmaticism #cspeirce #pragmatism

Last updated 2 years ago