@Lamprey_Systems Does this mean the Yeti dating app (Yttr) is back up and letting us swipe for casual sex again?
Some of us gave up on "shaved Yak" awhile ago...
#SubGenius #PrairieSquid #TheOldWaysAreTheBestWays #IfItAintKinkyYouAintTryin
#subgenius #prairiesquid #theoldwaysarethebestways #ifitaintkinkyyouainttryin
@onan @Stang I'm not saying I have any proof -- I do *NOT* need "Stang's Ninjas" tracking me down! -- but I have wondered out-loud at times if the whole reason Stang moved to a farm in rural TX was to continue illicit & ill-advised genetic experiments to clone "BOB", with the intent of perfecting some kind of "Slack-siphoning" tech? You can hide a whole lot of dead clones out on the plains...
#SubGenius #PrairieSquid #WeirdScience #OccultSciences #ClonesArePeopleToo #ClonesAreMadeOfPeople
#subgenius #prairiesquid #weirdscience #occultsciences #clonesarepeopletoo #clonesaremadeofpeople