black racer in my yard. going slow enough i alerted rather than chopped it.
@syaochan omgomgomgomgomg
I realized that I was running #esptool installed from the #debian repo, not via `pip install`. So I did that.
1. 2.8 -> 4.5.1
2. No longer need to hold the boot button down
3. erase_flash works
4. *** SO DOES THE BOARD ***
#PraiseTheLord #TimeForNewErrorMessages #microcontroller #micropython #python #esp32
#esptool #debian #praisethelord #timefornewerrormessages #microcontroller #micropython #python #esp32
Isaiah chapter 12
What do YOU say about this Word Image?
#Comments #TheWord #Jehovah #TheLord #WhatSayYou #GodVibes #Reality #Truth #ShareTheWord #PictureWords #KnowTheWordsOfGod #SpeakTheWord #PrayContinually #PrayConstantly #PowerOfPrayer #HolySpiritPowers #FruitOfTheSpirit #BeBold #BeBoldForGod #GiveThanksForChrist #PraiseTheLord #WorshipInWord #WorshipInDeedandTruth #Fellowhip #TrueLove #CareAboutOthers #CareAboutOthersMoreThanOneself
#comments #theword #jehovah #thelord #whatsayyou #godvibes #reality #truth #sharetheword #picturewords #knowthewordsofgod #speaktheword #praycontinually #prayconstantly #powerofprayer #holyspiritpowers #fruitofthespirit #bebold #beboldforgod #givethanksforchrist #praisethelord #worshipinword #worshipindeedandtruth #fellowhip #truelove #careaboutothers #careaboutothersmorethanoneself
@strucksoco @kingkaufman
I thank #TheLord for #Independents
#2022to2023 #riseup #fairandballenced #PowerToThePeople #TheOnlyWay #PraiseTheLord Amen.
#thelord #independents #2022to2023 #riseup #fairandballenced #powertothepeople #theonlyway #praisethelord
#coolio #asaprocky #praisethelord #gangstasparadise #praisetheparadise #skepta #onegezin #michellepfeiffer #andygarcia #redalert #nyc #la #90s #hiphop #2000s #mashup #remix #paradise #dangerous #mind #asap #warning #alert #summer #art #fun #repost #nature #food #style #fitness #amazing #music #beach #swag #foodporn #party #photography #cool #lol #model #funny #gym #hot #design #black #pink #fit #wedding #workout #lifestyle #handmade #followback #𓃰