@grickle or is it "DEATH AS BARBIE" ?
(I think you killed #halloween already /o\ )
#pratchett #discworld
#halloween #pratchett #discworld
"si les Zoïdes, dans leur majorité ne savent pas mentir, ils témoignent en revanche d'un grand respect pour celui capable de dire que le monde n'est pas tel qu'on le voit, et le Menteur occupe chez eux une très haute fonction"
"Les autres races ne supportent pas cette appelation de Menteur. Elles estiment que les Zoïdes auraient dû choisir un titre mieux approprié, tel que "diplomate" ou "chargé des relations publiques". Elles estiment qu'ils l'ont fait exprès pour se moquer" #pratchett
"Il avait le genre de teint vraiment hâlé que les richards cherchent des années durant à obtenir à coups de vacances coûteuses et de bouts de feuilles d'aluminium, quand il suffit honnêtement de se crever le derrière tous les jours en plein air" #pratchett
The Irish Discworld Convention waiting list is back open! The closer to con we get the more people unfortunately have Real Life get in the way of con plans. So if you missed out earlier, or didn’t know it existed - check out www.idwcon.org for details and then email members@idwcon.org to get on the list. See ye in #Cork in October #Discworld fans! #GNUTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #Pratchett #IDWCon
#cork #discworld #gnuterrypratchett #terrypratchett #pratchett #IDWCon
'No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away… The span of someone's life is only the core of their actual existence.'
Humanist author **Terry Pratchett**
@tobias #Pratchett matured hugely over his career. If you don't get on with TCOM then feel free to skip to Mort or Equal Rites, or even the Watch books (Guards Guards). #Discworld isn't one body of work, its several overlapping ones.
#ACAB, and Sam Vimes would agree. Here is his "Boots" theory of socioeconomic unfairness
The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. ... A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet
It took this long to listen to the audiobook of #MonsterousRegiment. I was halfway through it and it expired so I'd to wait for it to become available again. Really enjoyed it. It went as expected right to the end, except I didn't expect Jack!
#TerryPratchett #Pratchett #Discworld #BorrowBox #AudioBook
#monsterousregiment #terrypratchett #pratchett #discworld #borrowbox #audiobook
I gave a short presentation at #Toastmasters last night on (a) why "What order should I read the Discworld books in?" is the best way to start an argument at a #Discworld fan gathering, and (b) why I think that publication order is probably best.
I should maybe turn it into a blog post.
#toastmasters #discworld #pratchett #books
Sent a birthday card today, with one of the Discworld stamps. (Moist von Lipwig in this case. He's the first class standard letter size.) Me and the Post Office counter lady had a little chat about how nice the set of stamps is. #Discworld #Pratchett
"What was the point of education, he thought, if people went out afterwards and used it?" ; The Amazing Maurice #pratchett #discworld
Le bien, le mal, le temps qui passe, l'amour, le destin,...Si vous aimez T. Pratchett et Neil Gaiman, sachez que cette seconde saison est la droite lignée de la précédente. Jon Hamm complète le duo Michael Sheen/David Tennant à merveille. Certains seront certainement hermétiques voire détesteront cette série. Pas moi.
#goodomens #debonspresages #pratchett #gaiman #goodandevil
#goodomens #debonspresages #pratchett #gaiman #goodandevil
I’m only halfway thru, but the new season is Good Omens is awesome. 👏🏻
@DreadShips Love a good #pratchett discussion 🪄
"Never trust a woman with a star on a stick"
The Royal Mail is issuing stamps to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Sir Terry #Pratchett's amazing #Discworld. I may have to order these.
#pratchett #discworld #philately #postage #stampcollecting
Finished Raising Steam by Sir Terry #Pratchett. Only one #Discworld novel to go. I will really feel sad when I finish. I always wonder what Sir Terry would have done with, say, ten more years
UK Royal Mail To Issue “Terry Pratchett’s Discworld” Stamps! 💌
#stamps #discworld #pterry #pratchett
#stamps #discworld #pterry #pratchett
Desconocía que la orquesta de la #BBC Escocia había grabado 'Podemos gobernaros al por mayor', el himno de Ankh-Morpork escrito por sir Terry #Pratchett.
El himno hace referencia a que para montar sus ejércitos, los países del Disco recurrían al inagotable crédito de los mercaderes de Ankh-Morpork, crédito que era inexorablemente cobrado de inmediato cada vez que los vecinos apuntaban sus armas hacia la ciudad
#bbc #pratchett #mundodisco #musica
@tagesschau Terry #pratchett hat auf der #Scheibenwelt dieses Phänomen bei den Ephebern als Die Mokratie bezeichnet.
Nach der Wahl wird der gewählte direkt ins Gefängnis geworfen. Das würde die Justiz ordentlich entlasten und dem Ansehen des Regenten kann nicht viel schaden.
Klingt so, als sollte man es mal ausprobieren.