As we kick into July starts to become a lot more obvious!

Already the Collared are moving away from the colony and forming pre-migratory flocks in the campo. Already the first small groups of White Storks are crossing The and European Bee-eaters are forming dense migratory groups, often roosting next to our house in their hundreds!

....Installing Autumn mode....!

#autumn #pratincoles #straits #otono2023 #flywaybirding #birding #vismig #migration #birdmigration #birders

Last updated 1 year ago

Some great this week here in The

The last European Honey continue to cross into , Balearic and Scopoli’s criss-cross the divide, host the buzzing colony of Little Terns and Collared and Isabelline busily sing from the 😊

#daytours #straits #buzzards #europe #shearwaters #wetlands #pratincoles #warblers #dehesa #flywaybirding #ingloriousbustards #showmethehoney

Last updated 1 year ago

Whilst we’ve been in the flow of soaring this week with guests from Naturetrek Wildlife Holidays we’ve also had some great experiences with the massive colony of Collared noisily fending off potential , while Kentish scuttled among them, copulating Lesser Kestrels and on the sea beautiful encounters with Long-finned Pilot Whales !

#bird #migration #pratincoles #predators #plovers #flywaybirding #ingloriousbustards #naturetrek

Last updated 2 years ago