One thing I find challenging with a strange game setting is how to make it come alive as *strange*. In Prax there's a square block of stone a mile high. Yeah that's strange.
But, actually living in an animistic society where the world is populated by spirits, that it harder to make come alive. For me personally, that's just as strange.
A second session of QuestWorlds in Prax done and dusted. We tried some combat, and the abstract system counting successes worked quite well. Had I not had Fate experience, I think it would have been harder to work in everyone with their abilities, even those not combat related.
#questworlds #glorantha #ttrpg #prax
Attention hopping like a squirrel on speed, I've started to think that running the Bear With Teeth Praxian scenarios with Questworlds would be a good idea.
#ttrpg #questworlds #glorantha #prax #beerwithteeth
It's even more fun to add in the local old gods and goddesses in the lands that make up the empire. Are you dizzy yet?
I can see why people for so long set their games in #prax.