Summer is always bittersweet — heavy on the bitter if ya ask me — back to work next week, lots of stress & anxiety ahead… #prayforme #takemebacktojune
The #impostersyndrome is hitting harder than usual at the moment #devnet #ciscolive #prayforme
#impostersyndrome #DevNet #ciscolive #prayforme
Starting tomorrow, I'm switching from full to half-caf coffee.
No he podido hacer mi típico #CagaEnElTrabajo porque se ha jodido el pestillo del único baño que hay y ahora estoy en el tren que no se si llego a casa #PrayForMe
Tengo muchísimas papeletas para volver a chuparme cuatro horas diarias de autobús en breve. #prayforme
I acabem el divendres enviant un missatge personal (i gens adecuat) a un canal d’Slack de 700 persones.
My 2 year old son is teething and has decided that today he's not in the mood for a nap.
I've decided that we're going to Sam's Club then, because I am a smart boy and there's no way this will end horribly. #PrayForMe
Oh God I lost track of days … I forgot it’s Friday tomorrow … if you’re looking for me at 6.30am I’ll be doing Cat/Cow #PrayForMe
A number of recent posts about #Obsidian - combined with me starting a handful of new projects in the last month or two - has me considering falling down the inevitable rabbit hole of reorganizing my #Notetaking and #ResearchWorkflow
#obsidian #notetaking #researchworkflow #prayforme
Oh no. Weed supply low, I’m not hearing anything from my usual source and PolarWinterDeathPocalypse-A-Con is coming. :ablobgrimace:
Oh no. Weed supply low, I’m not hearing anything from my usual source and PolarWinterDesthPocslypse-A-Con is coming. :ablobgrimace:
2007 haben ich zum ersten Mal etwas mit Procedures in einer Firebird-Datenbank gemacht. Und zum letzten Mal. Die DB läuft seitdem unverändert produktiv stabil einfach so vor sich hin. Und ratet, wer bis Jahresende etwas darin ändern muss. #PrayForMe
oooo... gonna do a little light reading over the christmas break...
🙏 #prayforme 🙏
oooo... gonna do a little light reading over the christmas break...
🙏 #prayforme 🙏