I have to dance onstage in about two hours, for two hours… in jogging bottoms and vest and then a full hat and tails combo in this muggy, muggy heat. #PrayForMojo
This may be awesome or may end poorly- both are equally possible.
I ended my week with a big pitch for a dream market I've been working on for a while. I will now glance at my email every 45 seconds for the next week. Now is the time on Sprockets when we anxiety pace.
#prayformojo #freelance #amwriting
I'm in the process of moving, again, and have been thinking about what it means to live in a place - when I stop living in one and start living in the other. Is it when I move the bed? My desk? My plants? It's strange and a little sad, but given the amount of my life's needs I lean on it for, I live where I have internet. By that metric, I move tomorrow. #MovingIsFun #BackDontFailMeNow #PrayForMojo
#prayformojo #backdontfailmenow #movingisfun
Covid running rampant through my house is not how I envisioned this week going. #prayformojo
I am second-chairing interviews today and tomorrow. Seldom am I on the other side of the table, and let me tell you, I am nervous as fuck. It really sucks that the decision will probably come down to a few points difference between the candidates. They're all exceptionally qualified. Preparing myself to be a tired, emotional wreck by week's end. #PrayForMojo