#Thailand's newly elected Prime Minister meets with his predecessor (and coup leader) General #Prayut. "He is a respected senior figure", Mr Srettha said, after seeking advice from Prayut. This seems a clear hint as to the political line Srettha's government will take. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/2635222
#Thailand PM #Prayut, who led the coup against #Yingluck Shinawatra 9 years ago, is retiring from politics. His party came in 5th in the May elections. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/11/thai-pm-retire-politics-nine-years-power-coup-prayuth-chan-ocha
出任泰國首相9年的巴育 #Prayut 在新一屆國會推舉新首相前2天宣佈,退出政壇,意味他承認不可能獲國會推舉連任。
同時,選委會把是否挑戰皮塔 Pita Limjaroenrat 當選資格的決定再押後一天至週三才決定,皮塔能否出任首相,仍有懸念。
Secondo “Thai Enquirer”, che cita fonti accreditate interne alla politica thailandese, l’ex generale e Primo Ministro ad interim #Prayut Chan-o-cha (#UTN|Destra militarista) si sarebbe dimesso dal proprio partito ed avrebbe abbandonato la politica.
RT @MayWongCNA
#Thailand @utn_official PM #Prayut campaigning in #MaeRim market #Chiangmai while @MFPThailand candidate also canvassing in same location. She said #military should be removed from politics. Opposition #ก้าวไกล wants to effect major political reforms #เลือกตั้งปี2566 #เลือกตั้ง66
#thailand #prayut #maerim #chiangmai #military #กาวไกล #เลือกตังปี2566 #เลือกตัง66
#Thailand election: current PM (and coup leader) #Prayut significantly lagging in polling for PM in next month's election. Leading are the candidates of the progressive Move Forward Party (Pita) and Pheu Thai (Paetongtarn). https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thai-pm-prayuth-lags-rivals-opinion-polls-ahead-may-election-2023-04-15/
#Thailand PM #Prayut will dissolve Parliament before its term expires late in March. The Constitution requires a general election not later than May, and Prayut is trailing in polling against the Pheu Thai Party's Paetongtarn #Shinawatra, whose faather (Thaksin) and aunt (Yingluck) were both overthrown in military coups and are in exile https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thai-pm-dissolve-parliament-before-term-ends-next-month-2023-02-17/
#Thailand's Constitutional Court will decide September 30 whether PM #Prayut has exceeded the constitutional term limit https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thai-court-decide-pm-prayuths-tenure-this-month-2022-09-14/
#Thailand Constitutional Court has suspended PM #Prayut Chan-o-cha (leader of the 2014 coup d'etat) while the court considers whether he has exceeded the 8 year term limit for the PM. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/25/asia/thailand-prayut-chan-ocha-suspended-explainer-intl-hnk/index.html
#Thailand politics: PM #Prayut temporarily suspended while the High Court decides a case on whether or not he has passed the constitutional term limit of 8 years. Temporary PM will be Prawit, another Military/Royalist who was involved in the 2014 coup d'etat and nothing will change https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailands-new-acting-leader-is-another-royalist-military-man-2022-08-25/
#Thailand's PM, retired general #Prayut, who led the coup that ousted the Yingluck government is under fire from opposition, accused of #corruption and mismanagement of the economy https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thai-opposition-grills-pm-parliament-censure-debate-begins-2022-07-19/
#Thailand PM #Prayut says the Kingdom will 'fully open' to international visitors within 120 days. I'm skeptical, given the slow pace of vaccinating the Kingdom's population https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailand-fully-reopen-visitors-within-120-days-pm-2021-06-16/
#Thailand PM #Prayut puts the breaks on walk-in Covid19 vaccination sites. All persons wanting vaccinations must first register on line https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2117799/prayut-puts-brakes-on-walk-in-jabs
#Thailand's PM (former Coup leader) #Prayut says that the Kingdom is preparing a border area to receive refugees from Myanmar (many of whom will be indigenous Karen people). Thailand does not have a history of welcoming refugees. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-myanmar-refugees-idUSKBN2BL0K1
#Thailand PM #Prayut (formerly General Prayut) has received inoculation using the AstraZeneca #vaccine. Thailand has dismissed concerns that the AstraZeneca vaccine causes blood clots, and Prayut is above the age deemed advisable for it by some medical authorities https://apnews.com/article/europe-australia-south-korea-india-coronavirus-pandemic-3ee32b99b6c25c2b5cb429fd414ed592
Not the Onion: #Myanmar coup leader asks #Thailand's PM #Prayut (2014 coup leader) for help in assuring #democracy https://www.reuters.com/article/us-myanmar-politics-thailand-idUSKBN2AA0V7
#myanmar #thailand #prayut #democracy
Editorial in #Bangkok Post casts doubts that PM #Prayut has either the power or the inclination to crack down on #corruption, as officials seen as causing by their actions the recent upsurge in #Covid19 infections https://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/2051887/pms-words-ring-hollow-over-scandals
#bangkok #prayut #corruption #COVID19
#Thailand PM #Prayut tells people to 'just stay home' for the next 14 days, as the kingdom registers its highest number of daily new Covid cases, 745. Total number of cases since the beginning of the pandemic is 8439. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-thailand/just-stay-home-thai-pm-urges-compliance-as-virus-cases-hit-record-idUSKBN2990ES
#Thailand's PM #Prayut (for those of you unfamiliar, he was the leader of the coup that overthrew the elected gov't of Yingluck Shinawatra) has indicated 'tougher measures' against pro-democracy protesters. "What we are seeing now is escalation leading to radicalization because the protest movement is dead-set on reforming Thailand" https://www.npr.org/2020/11/19/936565165/thailands-prime-minister-signals-tougher-measures-against-anti-government-protes
#Thailand's PM #Prayut (who led the coup d'etat against the elected YingLuck Shinawatra government) lifts the state of emergency, pleading for calm and unity. Students call for his resignation in 3 days, or they will resume their protests https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/2006015/pm-offers-end-to-emergency