Working backwards from this market of user personas and industries, this is a place to brainstorm insights for the compelling product or service which solves their problems.
#product #productmanagement #servicedesign #marketing #strategy #PRD #customerdevelopment
#product #productmanagement #servicedesign #marketing #strategy #prd #customerdevelopment
Any time you going to do a project, write it a specification.📝 Think an #RFC or a #PRD (product requirement document).
However big or small. A spec to define what could be the project end result.⌛ It sets the ground rules on what is feasible. What can be, with limited time.
Otherwise you'll be guessing. Over engineering one hell of a mess. 😅
This may seem obvious, but very rarely done. 🫠
22:00 Saturday: Southerlies ahead of the incoming cold front may actually warm us up a bit in #Portland. It’s snowing down to sea level in Astoria, but it’s still pretty up in the air what the temperature will be when it starts here. Best I can say is that it’ll be within a degree or two of 0°C. #pdxtst #prd #orwx #wawx
#portland #pdxtst #prd #orwx #wawx
Wrote a #PRD on my phone. Auto complete was a plus, went more slowly, overall happy with the result.
📬 Spider-Man: No Way Home vorzeitig als Blueray-Rip aufgetaucht #Filesharing #Warez #eBay #EVO #Leak #nowayhomeleaks #PRD #Reddit #SpiderManNoWayHome
#SpiderManNoWayHome #reddit #prd #nowayhomeleaks #leak #evo #ebay #warez #filesharing
📬Star Wars 9: The Rise of Skywalker erreicht Piratenseiten📬 #„KriegderSterne“-Trilogie #ParamountReleaseDevision #DerAufstiegSkywalkers #TheRiseofSkywalker #Filmpiraterie #StarWars #Artikel #disney #PRD
#ParamountReleaseDevision #DerAufstiegSkywalkers #theriseofskywalker #Filmpiraterie #starwars #artikel #disney #prd
Por la vida y la libertad. Il Messico di Amlo tra resistenze e capitalismo – Intervista Fabrizio Lorusso – Andrea Cegna #ArticoliAccademici #MovimentiSociali #AmericaLatina #Interviste #agenziax #philopat #Politica #Messico #Lorusso #Italia #mexico #Morena #storia #Cegna #Libri #NAFTA #T-MEC #amlo #ezln #news #pan #prd #pri #TLC #usa
#articoliaccademici #movimentisociali #americalatina #interviste #agenziax #philopat #politica #messico #lorusso #italia #mexico #morena #storia #Cegna #libri #nafta #t #amlo #ezln #news #pan #prd #pri #tlc #usa
I rakovině se můžeme zasmát.
#cernyhumor #rakovina #prd
MESSICO: DOMENICA 1 LUGLIO SI VOTA PER IL NUOVO PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA #presidentedellarepubblica #Internazionale #PenaNieto #elezioni #obrador #Marco #News #AMLO #prd #PRI
#presidentedellarepubblica #internazionale #penanieto #elezioni #obrador #marco #news #amlo #prd #pri