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#jeunes #emploi #scolarité #éducation #PRE
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#pre #education #scolarite #emploi #jeunes
Global News BC: Could pre-fabrication be the key to unlocking B.C.’s housing supply crunch? https://globalnews.ca/news/9939980/rental-construction-prefabrication-metro-vancouver/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #pre-fabricationhousing #purposebuiltrental #off-sitebuilding #RentalApartments #pre-fabrication #RentalHousing #PilotProject #B.C.Housing #BCHousing #Economy #Housing
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #pre #purposebuiltrental #off #rentalapartments #rentalhousing #PilotProject #b #BCHousing #economy #housing
Any #git #precommit experts here? I'm on a team where we use #pre-commit hooks for some checks. The `.pre-commit-config.yml` is part of the repo. However, I would like to add some local (to my machine) pre-commit hooks (`darker`) that other developers in the team don't want to have as part of there default setup.
Can I specify an additional configuration file that I don't commit to the repo (or somehow use an environment variable) to specify local pre-commit hooks?
DuckDuckGo sucks use Presearch https://presearch.org/signup?rid=2195649 #presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
#presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
DuckDuckGo sucks use Presearch https://presearch.org/signup?rid=2195649 #presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
#presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
DuckDuckGo sucks use Presearch https://presearch.org/signup?rid=2195649 #presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
#presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
Global News BC: Bail system in spotlight as man accused of 4 B.C. cold case sex assaults released https://globalnews.ca/news/9932508/historic-sex-assault-bail-reform-questions/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Vancouversexassault #pre-trialdetention #SexAssaultCharge #SexualAssault #arturogorjon #BailReform #sexassault #detention #ColdCase #gorjon #Crime #Bail
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouversexassault #pre #sexassaultcharge #sexualassault #arturogorjon #bailreform #sexassault #detention #ColdCase #gorjon #crime #Bail
DuckDuckGo sucks use Presearch https://presearch.org/signup?rid=2195649 #presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
#presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
Il est 19h, j'ai passé 6h en réunion de #pré-rentrée, plus quasi deux heures a expliquer des trucs a la collègue qui sera sur "ma" #classe de #cm1-cm2 le jeudi. Elle démarre, était notaire, a eu le concours en candidate libre.
Donc presque submergée par l'angoisse... Parce que pas prête a s'occuper de loulous de rep. Et c'est normal.
C'est pas mon job, je suis pas payé pour ça, mais je peux pas la planter.
Résultat, j'ai peu avancé, et je suis toujours pas rentré.
Rebelote demain...
DuckDuckGo sucks use Presearch https://presearch.org/signup?rid=2195649 #presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
#presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
DuckDuckGo sucks use Presearch https://presearch.org/signup?rid=2195649 #presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
#presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
Sources told CNN-News18 that most of the people involved in rioting are still on the run and it is difficult to assess who instigated the violence during the July 31 ‘Shobha Yatra’
#Nuh #Riots #Pre #Breakthrough #Probe #IntelInputs #Ignored
#nuh #riots #pre #breakthrough #probe #intelinputs #ignored
Ethics of Charity - SciPhi by Answers In Reasonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ome2KYVGsk#charity #ethics #harmful #harm #wellbeing #donating
for #AiR #answersinreason #sciphi #atheism #atheist #tiktok #platosrave #pre-streammix #mix #dj #djwizardsleeve #morality #ethicsandmorality #moralphilosophy #answer #answers #philosophy #book #reading #theist #theism #sciphilive
#ethics #harmful #harm #wellbeing #donating #air #answersinreason #sciphi #atheism #atheist #tiktok #platosrave #pre #mix #dj #djwizardsleeve #morality #ethicsandmorality #moralphilosophy #answer #answers #philosophy #book #reading #theist #theism #sciphilive
DuckDuckGo sucks use Presearch https://presearch.org/signup?rid=2195649 #presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
#presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
DuckDuckGo sucks use Presearch https://presearch.org/signup?rid=2195649 #presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
#presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
Yesterday night I had a very intense sexting session with a stranger (because fuck, I was desperate). They were so hot though.
Here’s myself full of pre after only a few minutes of exchange 🥵 how do you like it?
#nsfw #nude #porn #pre #girlcock #gock #gridlock #sexting #video #masturbation
#masturbation #video #sexting #gridlock #gock #girlcock #pre #porn #nude #nsfw
DuckDuckGo sucks use Presearch https://presearch.org/signup?rid=2195649 #presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
#presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
DuckDuckGo sucks use Presearch https://presearch.org/signup?rid=2195649 #presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a
#presearch #pre #searchengine #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #blockchain #google #censorship #decentralization #duckduckgo #bigtech #freedomofexpression #freespeech #1a