Due to the intimate nature of my venues @CSB I will not be returning to the normality present in our #preCV past.
I am in the process of implementing a Value for Value system of exchange on which the model set forth by NA is based.
It'll be Off-License sales, and Bookings Advisable with greatly reduced numbers of seating available.
@PhotonQyv @Mummabear I've seen plenty attempts but nothing like the #preCV days.
@Hemmels no all is good as strings attached cuddle was guaranteed.
I'm in pub attempting to do all the things I moaned about not being able to do for the last 2 years.
There's been a truce called on the war against anxiety. Concessions were promised, a hiatus announced, both parties are acting amicable across the table.
In other words it's reminiscent of the cyclical #preCV days.
@yukiame @BlueDouche to be fair that's an old photo from #preCV days.
And those casked woukd probably had Harvey wallbangers in.
We used to stop off at one of the bases in Florida to pick up some decent oranges, then head over to a black site in Eastern Europe for the vodka, swing back round to Italy for the galiano then on to blighty to supply the boys in the mess hall with the gd sh*t.
To think #onceuponatime in the #preCV days that rack was full of great #kentorkentish #realale.
Now it goes down the drain.
#onceuponatime #preCV #kentorkentish #realale