Hab mich gefragt, ob es eigentlich eine neue Version von "Besuchen Sie Europa (solange es noch steht)" von Geier Sturzflug gibt.
Hab nur die Coverversion 2021 von Jack Pott gefunden (https://orcd.co/besuchen_sie_europa). Ist ganz okay, die neuen Zeilen haben aber nicht die Stärke des Originals.
🎼 🎵 🎶 🎸
#preapocalyptic #untergangsstimmung #jetztOderNie #musikZurZeit #apocalypse #zynismus #lyrics #music #neueDeutscheWelle
#preapocalyptic #untergangsstimmung #jetztodernie #musikzurzeit #apocalypse #zynismus #lyrics #music #neuedeutschewelle
@toddtyrtle @ReadThinkBeGood good reminder to finally read Parable of the Talents. I started it but, very childishly, couldn’t bring myself to read when i discovered Lauren had died… but been thinking of it a lot recently again, what with how things are going book-banning wise etc
Btw someone a while back mentioned how we are living in #PreApocalyptic times and i am interested in any novels etc capturing that, too
#Underhillbywater is a Hobbit filled cozy game in your own neighborhood of the Shire, where there are only low stakes problems. These Hobbits don't leave on a call for adventure. They stay behind for second breakfast. It's blissful fun!
We've been playing our game and doing hacks within the setting with other genres, too. It's like a relaxing comfort as you break all the traditional rpg rules to chill as Hobbits.
#underhillbywater #ttrpg #preapocalyptic #nonapocalyptic
Reality has become apocalyptic and dystopian. Give your recommendations for a #ttrpg that is #preApocalyptic or #nonApocalyptic
Not even asking for utopian, just plain #topian would do.
#ttrpg #preapocalyptic #nonapocalyptic #topian