Meiner Meinung nach helfen Gegendarstellungen genau gar nicht, wenn die Desinformation erst in der Welt ist. Es ist erwiesen, dass sie sich schneller verbreitet und mehr Menschen erreichen kann als echte Information.
Ob es hilft, sie zu verbieten, weiß ich nicht.
Goldstandard ist es, Menschen über politische Bildung zum richtigen Umgang mit Desinformation zu befähigen. Der neueste, hoffnungsvolle Ansatz in dem Zusammenhang nennt sich #prebunking.
Lass Dich nicht manipulieren.
Gezielte Falschinformationen im Internet bedrohen unser soziales Miteinander und unsere Demokratie. Selbst unter Freunden und Familien entstehen tiefe Gräben. Der beste Weg, sich und andere zu schützen, ist zu wissen, worauf man achten muss, um sie zu erkennen.
#Correctiv #Fakten #Prebunking #Manipulation
#correctiv #fakten #prebunking #manipulation
Dr John Cook on #gamified #activeInoculation against #vaccine #misinformation, at NU NetSci
#MDM #research #medicine #debunking #prebunking #Boston
#boston #prebunking #debunking #medicine #Research #mdm #misinformation #Vaccine #activeinoculation #gamified
"By adopting the mindset of a cranky uncle, the player develops a deeper understanding of science denial techniques, thus acquiring the knowledge to resist misleading persuasion attempts in the future."
#criticalthinking #misinformation #prebunking
Your periodic reminder that whatever else he was*, Trump was always a phony populist.
His big policy win was a giant tax cut tilted toward the rich and corporations. He nearly succeeded in tossing millions of people off their healthcare. He put corporate lobbyists in charge of regulatory agencies. His judges will continue the pro-corporate tilt of the judiciary for years to come. And on and on... #prebunking
(*racist, corrupt, constant liar, tried to overturn the election...)
#prebunking has hit the headlines with Google's anti-misinformation campaign. Since #misinformation and #disinformation are powerful tools in many political, corporate, religious, and social environments I think these "inoculations" could become like the old public service announcements we had on network television.
#prebunking #misinformation #disinformation
How can tech fight misinformation? Google tries ‘prebunking.’ - Christian Science Monitor
#Google is fighting #misinformation with “prebunking” videos that show how to recognize false online claims. Not only are they easy to produce they also have the potential to reach millions of social media users without focusing on controversial issues.
#prebunking #socialmedia
#socialmedia #prebunking #misinformation #Google
I like "#prebunking" way better than other methods of combating disinformation, because it's generic.
Google to expand misinformation 'prebunking' in Europe | AP News https://apnews.com/article/technology-science-politics-germany-business-a10273eea5a0227c38187cc4f84d8788
#google #prebunking #misinformation #truth #technology #europe #germany
#google #prebunking #misinformation #truth #technology #Europe #germany
#Prebunking campaign in Germany: #Google plans to release a series of short videos highlighting the techniques common to #misinformation. They will appear as ads on #Facebook, #YouTube or #TikTok.
#FactChecks are effective, but labor intensive & won’t convince those already distrustful of #Journalism. Content moderation drives misinformation elsewhere.
Prebunking videos, by contrast, are relatively easy to produce & can be seen by millions.
#prebunking #google #misinformation #facebook #youtube #tiktok #factchecks #journalism #sciencemastodon #scicomm
Google rozszerza swój projekt prebunkingu na całą Europę
After successful trial in eastern Europe, #Google will deploy '#prebunking' ads in #Germany.
At its core, technique implies short #ads that teach/show users how to recognize #misinformation on #social, #alter or #mainstream #media.
#tech #jigsaw #google #prebunking #germany #ads #misinformation #social #alter #mainstream #media
Ci siamo! Stamattina abbiamo pubblicato la prima puntata della serie "Panico", tre puntate in cui esploreremo insieme il #prebunking... parlando di comunicazione.
Fateci avere i vostri feedback e stay tuned per le prossime due puntate di Panico!
#Google to Expand #Misinformation "Prebunking" in #Europe https://politicaliq.com/2023/02/13/google-to-expand-misinformation-prebunking-in-europe/ #prebunking #Germany #politicaliq #news #politics
#google #misinformation #europe #prebunking #Germany #politicaliq #News #politics
#Google weitet Kampagne gegen #FakeNews über Ukraine-Flüchtlinge aus | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Google-weitet-Kampagne-gegen-Fake-News-ueber-Ukraine-Fluechtlinge-aus-7493574.html #Jigsaw #Desinformation #Prebunking
#prebunking #desinformation #jigsaw #fakenews #google
Referenced link: https://nicoletisdalewrites.medium.com/lie-to-my-face-a-music-video-fights-disinformation-5c992f91dc6b
Originally posted by DEF CON / @defcon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/HiNicoleTisdale/status/1620908588150702088#m
RT by @defcon: Done! Lie to My Face: A Music Video Fights Disinformation Kendrick Lamar’s #deepfake video, “The Heart Part 5,” models & scales inoculation theory, #prebunking to build resilience to future cyber-enabled #disinformation techniques spread through #deepfakes https://nicoletisdalewrites.medium.com/lie-to-my-face-a-music-video-fights-disinformation-5c992f91dc6b
#Deepfake #prebunking #disinformation #deepfakes
RT @BMauschen@twitter.com
Ich glaube tatsächlich, dass gutes #Prebunking die nächste große Herausforderung von Wissenschaftskommunikation und -journalismus ist. Verdrehungen und Verschwörungstheorien sind so allgegenwärtig, dass es leider bei vielen Themen wichtig wäre, den vorhersehbarsten Fehl- (1/7) https://twitter.com/rki_de/status/1602620319537192961
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BMauschen/status/1602624719538233346
Mit neuen technischen Ansätzen wollen Google und YouTube die Gesellschaft besser auf schädliche Online-Phänomene wie Fehl- und Desinformation vorbereiten. #prebunking https://www.heise.de/news/Google-und-YouTube-wollen-Nutzer-gegen-Desinformation-schuetzen-7360882.html
Really interesting panel from the Aspen Institute, on #misinformation and the US midterm elections. Good discussion on the importance of #prebunking of misinformation as a tactic.
Hello world!
Please allow me to toot my #Introduction
I am a PhD candidate in Neuroscience at the University of Geneva. My work comprises investigating how to boost citizens' knowledge about #renewablenergy , and how to protect them from #climate #disinformation :)
To do so, we develop and test evidence-based strategies (such as #prebunking ) that are grounded in #socialpsychology and #neuroscience
Looking forward to connecting!
#introduction #renewablenergy #climate #disinformation #prebunking #socialpsychology #neuroscience