The Tyee: In BC, Precarious Work Is the New Normal (in News) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #CanadianCentreForPolicyAlternatives #SimonFraserUniversity #BCFederationofLabour #BCunemploymentrate #IglikaIvanovaCCPA #KendraStraussSFU #SussanneSkidmore #COVID-19economy #BCLabourMarket #precariouswork #BCgigworkers #BCworkers
#BCNews #TheTyee #CanadianCentreforPolicyAlternatives #SimonFraserUniversity #BCFederationofLabour #bcunemploymentrate #iglikaivanovaccpa #kendrastrausssfu #SussanneSkidmore #covid #bclabourmarket #precariouswork #bcgigworkers #bcworkers
Just signed up to this site… still on that other site - same handle! - but for how much longer, who knows?!😊 Keen to follow anyone else who’s into critical studies of work, #labour, #politicaleconomy, #development, etc etc 👋 #highered #labor #sociology #economicsociology #unions #precariouswork #futureofwork
#labour #politicaleconomy #development #highered #labor #sociology #economicsociology #unions #precariouswork #futureofwork
Today’s my last day as Artist in Residence at @vitalstatistix_ - it’s been an amazing year of art, writing, research, collaboration and conversation.
There are a couple more essays in the pipeline, but for now please enjoy ‘Sick Leave’ - a grant application I wrote as part of the residency, proposing to pay sick leave to artists…
#paythewriters #paytheartists #precariouswork #sickleave #ubi
#paythewriters #paytheartists #precariouswork #sickleave #ubi
This Tuesday and I will present findings from our study on long-term academic precarity to The event is online, free and open to all. #Academictwitter #edchat #precariouswork
#academictwitter #edchat #precariouswork
looking for anything related to precarious work and its impact in family life.
I have already selected @heejungchung 's The Flexibility Paradox, but I would really benefit from other sources.
hey @sociology anything relevant for the impact of precarious work in family life?
#sociology #familylife #precariouswork
In my work as a #librarian I’m very concerned about the rising tide of #censorship (official & vigilante), giving young people access to diverse & real views of the world in story (#WeNeedDiverseBooks), breaking down barriers to learning & creating for #neurodivergent & other #disabled kids, & fighting the rising tide of #PrecariousWork at #libraries by building solidarity among #LibraryWorkers & supporting patrons to demand better from their civil institutions.
#librarians #introduction #libraryworkers #libraries #precariouswork #disabled #neurodivergent #weneeddiversebooks #censorship #librarian
Living in cars, working for #Amazon: meet America's new #nomads | Jessica Bruder | Opinion | The Guardian
#amazon #nomads #precariouswork #inequality #america