Eric's Risk Assessment · @EricCarroll
2395 followers · 4560 posts · Server

If we want to think about the risk from I think it's very important to keep two scenarios in mind.

We have seen emerge with high variation from prior ancestors

1. that did not take off
2. that exploded

in the population. Both scenarios have happened.

The recent lab studies suggest (1) is more likely than (2). However, we don't have a great track record yet of predicting which variants will (or won't) take off.

So be careful sighing with relief over the recent "good news, it's tame" reporting. It may be right, it may not be.

We won't *know* which of these scenarios are materializing until we see waste water surveillance & hospitalization data. We can watch various bellweather countries & states for early indications.

If you are , then it's time to get out your respirators again and reactivate your airborne precautions.

Of course, some of us have never stopped with the airborne precautions, because we can't risk making the impact we are living every day any worse.

#ba286 #variants #precautionary #SARS2 #sarscov2 #wave #covid19

Last updated 1 year ago

Hans Peter Arp · @hanspeterarp
135 followers · 103 posts · Server

Regulations for persistent substances must be to prevent their poorly reversible accumulation in the environment, and NOT just like the , requiring proof of - or damage from - accumulation in the environment.


#precautionary #reactionary #stockholmconvention

Last updated 2 years ago

Asad Sayeed · @asayeed
222 followers · 107 posts · Server

@vdignum @pettter @kfort @emilymbender @timnitGebru And the danger is that if one part of the community of discussion is always easily painted as oppositional -- always taking a or risk-first approach in encounters with technology -- the "booster" side will see the scope for productive discussion and compromise as very narrow.


Last updated 2 years ago

RenΓ© Repasi · @repasi
15 followers · 790 posts · Server

We have secured that the principle remains in the text as a guiding principle for the market surveillance authorities (yet, from my point of view, the Commission proposal that included the principle as a guiding principle for the entire regulation is better). 3/8



Last updated 2 years ago · @twngo
453 followers · 35569 posts · Server

[ε°η£η΄…εε­—ζœƒζŽ¨ζ–‡]γ€Œ is still around us. Please continue to practice the 3⃣ Ws: πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ 😷 πŸ’‘ your ↔️ 」

#COVID19 #precautionary #WashYourHands #WearAMask #watch #PHYSICALdistancing

Last updated 5 years ago