@Ralph @LightFIAR 🙌😍🤩😲 Holy cow I LOVE IT! I want it!
#CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsntOver #Covidcautious #CovidConscious #Covid #PrecautionaryPrinciple #PPE #personalprotectiveequipment
#COVIDisAirborne #covidisntover #COVIDcautious #COVIDConscious #covid #precautionaryprinciple #ppe #personalprotectiveequipment
An excellent article about the #EU European Commission's #GMO #deregulation proposal, by the journalist, former #MEP, and expert on GMOs Benedikt Haerlin
#GM #GeneEditing #CRISPR #CRISPRcas9 #PrecautionaryPrinciple #food #ethics #PublicHealth
#publichealth #ethics #food #precautionaryprinciple #crisprcas9 #crispr #geneediting #gm #mep #deregulation #gmo #eu
European Commission #EU proposal on new #GMOs is incompatible with the #PrecautionaryPrinciple
Corporate interests trump freedom of choice and biosafety
#precautionaryprinciple #gmos #eu
RT @vicky_cann
#BanPFAS as a group is compatible with the #PrecautionaryPrinciple
But it's the usual suspects - companies above + CEFIC, PlasticsEurope, VCI, BDI... who oppose.
Story reports that lobbying, scaremongering, and industry funded studies all being used.
#precautionaryprinciple #BanPFAS
@MatthewToad42@climatejustice.social @outi @rob_cornelius @breadandcircuses
Truth be known, we don't know what will work and we don't know the consequences of this technology in vivo. But, we know about historical consequences of big-capital ideas from way back. Pretty consistent. But, it's a great way for a few people to make BIG MONEY. So, let's stick with the #PrecautionaryPrinciple and push back against this rapacious dominance by the moneyed elite in favor of benefit for all. Time for change.
RT @ToxicsFree@twitter.com
Independent science, based on the #precautionaryprinciple, industries’ duty to disclose, and citizens’ right to know, should determine policies on #chemicals and #waste. @UNEP@twitter.com #OEWG1.2 https://ipen.org/conferences/science-policy-panel
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ToxicsFree/status/1620395271216676864
#oewg1 #waste #chemicals #precautionaryprinciple
RT @mishwoz@twitter.com
@CleanAirClassrm@twitter.com @educationgovuk@twitter.com @BRE_Group@twitter.com @UK_CleanAir@twitter.com @IAQWP@twitter.com A reminder
From vulnerable impacted members of the public 2021
BB101 must not be used as school Ventilation guidelines
Like other countries, Switzerland 🇨🇭 suffered unusually intense pediatric hospital pressure this year (& medicine shortages).
We still don’t know the effect of #covid on developing bodies & minds, as calls for the #precautionaryprinciple are ignored
2/ https://twitter.com/katiakerswell/status/1594592197713825793
#COVID #precautionaryprinciple
Christian Drosten warned current studies show children are worse affected than suspected; we don’t know yet if ‘by age 30 they will have the immune system of an 80 year old’ — stressing he always said we should avoid infection & vaccinate.
#precautionaryprinciple https://twitter.com/katiakerswell/status/1607691772351627265
By @rahmstorf : "watch at least the first 3 minutes of this event at the #WEF23 in Davos"
Challenging threshold-based attempt to translate the complexity (so many unknowns, #TippingPoints, nonlinear #feedbacks, #PrecautionaryPrinciple ) and to break through minds who might seem to be reeling in a daze with the actual magnitude of the #ClimateCrisis, and the urgency to act.
#wef23 #tippingpoints #Feedbacks #precautionaryprinciple #climatecrisis #ClimateChange #sciencepolicyinterface #sciencesocietyinterface
By @rahmstorf : "watch at least the first 3 minutes of this event at the #WEF23 in Davos"
Challenging attempt to go to the point (so many unknowns, #TippingPoints, nonlinear #feedbacks, #PrecautionaryPrinciple ) and to break through minds who might seem to be reeling in a daze with the actual magnitude of the #ClimateCrisis, and the urgency to act.
#ClimateChange #SciencePolicyInterface #ScienceSocietyInterface
#wef23 #tippingpoints #Feedbacks #precautionaryprinciple #climatecrisis #ClimateChange #sciencepolicyinterface #sciencesocietyinterface
By @rahmstorf : "watch at least the first 3 minutes of this event at the #WEF23 in Davos"
Challenging attempt to go to the point (so many unknowns, #TippingPoints, #PrecautionaryPrinciple ) and to break through minds who might seem to be reeling in a daze with the actual magnitude of the #ClimateCrisis, and the urgency to act.
#ClimateChange #SciencePolicyInterface #ScienceSocietyInterface
#wef23 #tippingpoints #precautionaryprinciple #climatecrisis #ClimateChange #sciencepolicyinterface #sciencesocietyinterface
RT @DianneC_BC
@theprovince “This kind of lawsuit will send an important message to govts, not only in Ont. but right across the country, that they have to really take the *#PrecautionaryPrinciple* seriously.”
Now that's a behaviour modification many of us would applaud.
[RT @NREMHaifa]
New publication: Hocherman T, Trop T, Ghermandi A (2022) Introducing a temporal DPSIR (#tDPSIR) framework and its application to #marinePollution by #PET bottles. Ambio.
#DPSIR #marineLitter #precautionaryPrinciple #socialEcologicalSystems #timeLags
#tdpsir #marinepollution #pet #dpsir #marinelitter #precautionaryprinciple #socialecologicalsystems #timelags
Large German 🇩🇪study of #covid sequels in adults (red) & children (blue) suggests this is not benign for too many & begs the question: what will the longer term impacts of infections & reinfections be over time? #precautionaryprinciple
#COVID #precautionaryprinciple
RT @malolisica
Seeing some bad takes by medical doctors. If the past few years have taught anything it’s that it’s unwise to minimize the risks. The evidence is clear. #PrecautionaryPrinciple #CovidDisables #BringBackMasks
#precautionaryprinciple #coviddisables #BringBackMasks
RT @malolisica@twitter.com
Seeing some bad takes by medical doctors. If the past few years have taught anything it’s that it’s unwise to minimize the risks. The evidence is clear. #PrecautionaryPrinciple #CovidDisables #BringBackMasks
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/malolisica/status/1595787257390272512
#precautionaryprinciple #coviddisables #BringBackMasks
4. The UK and devolved governments should clarify, at the earliest opportunity, the process they intend to follow to implement the Retained EU Law Bill and provide clear timelines.
Also highlights removal of retained general principles of EU law, including the #PrecautionaryPrinciple could weaken #EnvironmentalProtection - urgent need to implement #PolicyStatement on #EnviornmentalPrinciples
#precautionaryprinciple #EnvironmentalProtection #policystatement #enviornmentalprinciples