You don't know til you ask
#Kitteh #kitsmum #tuesdayvibe #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #NKVSSP #guards #machines #precautions #doctors #ask #imTired #danger #gearup #TuesdayFeeling #TuesdayMotivaton #vibecheck
#kitteh #kitsmum #tuesdayvibe #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #nkvssp #guards #machines #precautions #doctors #ask #imtired #danger #gearup #tuesdayfeeling #tuesdaymotivaton #vibecheck
Upon #precautions...
As the ignorant masses of the USA throw themselves into packed venues teeming with unfettered viral spread this holiday weekend, no more monitoring or active preventive measures whatsoever, it's important to note that any precautions were always framed as "restrictions" for the poor and "protections" for the wealthy and powerful.
The truth of the matter is many haute couture and financially well endowed organizations have quietly already made significant improvements to their indoor air quality. Brunch goers and patrons at these often high-end venues are rightfully blissfully unaware of the safety conferred by the overhead costs of their big-ticket meals and conspicuous consumption- risk of contagion for them is orders of magnitude lower compared to the poor schlubs packing into crowded diners.
The bigger picture is not hard to see. Over time, it will simply appear that the more economically successful organizations also have healthier patrons. Rather than being perceived as a clarion call for ESG and health equity, this will be presented as evidence that having more money is the best preventive medicine and that will be the end of it.
I have been thinking *alot* of a very simple reply made some time ago to a post I made.
It made me think very deeply about why continue with #COVID #precautions - a topic I think about nearly every day.
Because precautions have significant opportunity costs.
As someone who professionally thinks about high frequency events, each with small probability but large impact on failure, the risk model is natural & easy.
Is the risk model the best model for the threat profile now?
Is there another?
When in any situation in which you might have to decide whether or not something is a person, please consider the consequences of error in each direction -
false negative: I just ignorantly enslaved/bullied/tortured/murdered someone.
false positive: I unnecessarily said "please" to a Roomba.
If you can't PROVE that it's not someone, ERR SAFELY . Remember: only YOU can prevent totally justified robopocalypses.
#artificialintelligence #ai #precautions #personhood #consciousness
#artificialintelligence #ai #precautions #personhood #consciousness
A million risk Mexico
Going for options unseen
All for a chance to save
#mexico #medicaltourism #kidnapping #precautions #cinquain #poetry
#mexico #medicaltourism #kidnapping #precautions #cinquain #poetry
Thank you for talking about your continued #COVID #precautions. I had a chat with someone yesterday and was feeling abnormal with our on going precautions. Not much has changed in my life due to my long-term disability, in terms of limited social engagements, but we're still #masking and limiting indoor visits to essentials. Social visits are outdoors (easy here with our mild weather)
🆕 article sur mon Blog ⚡️
Sachez faire la différence entre l'#électrocution et l'#électrisation, apprenez les #précautions à prendre chez vous et ayez en tête les bons comportements pour bien réagir devant une situation d'#urgence.
Les #risques d'électrocution et d'électrisation sont nombreux ⚡️ : travaux électriques, appareil #électrique en contact avec de l'eau 🔌,...
🛑 3.000 blessures par électrisation chaque année en France et 30 à 40 décès par électrocution par an.
#electrocution #electrisation #precautions #urgence #risques #electrique
I'm fully vaccinated and I continue to get boosters as they become available.
I wear a mask when I'm in a situation with large groups of people.
I wear a mask when I'm in close quarters with an individual or small group of people whose vaccination status or recent exposure is unknown to me.
A person's got to draw the line somewhere🤣
Damn you COVID! I was just about to leave for a friend's Closing Night Performance of a play and got the email that it has been cancelled due to the virus 😭
#stillhere #takecare #theatre #precautions #feelforthem
#blackout #precautions #Internetausdrucker print the internet
#blackout #precautions #internetausdrucker
A Guide To Getting Your First Tattoo
You're getting a tattoo for the first time? Before getting your first #tattoo, you should read all the #information and take all the #precautions. Get your tattoos done at Lizard's Skin Tattoos, the best tattoo #studio in #Kolkata.
Learn more:
#tattoo #information #precautions #studio #kolkata #besttattoostudioinkolkata #toptattoostudioinkolkata #besttattoostudioinsaltlake #besttattoostudioinrajarhat #besttattooinkstudioinkolkata