#corruptscotus: Since 2017, the justices have been utilizing these orders far more often, and with far broader effects, than ever before, sometimes instead of resolving similar #legalquestions on the #merits docket (where, of course, they’d have to explain their reasoning). Worse, they are also insisting, for the first time, that at least some of these unexplained rulings are #precedents that lower courts and government officials are bound to follow.
Vladeck, Stephen. The Shadow Docket (p. 11). Basic Books. Kindle Edition.
From: @toussaint
#corruptscotus #legalquestions #merits #precedents #taxbillionairesoutofexistence
If it's not just, it shouldn't be #law; all #precedents be damned.
#Justice, not #precedent, must always be the only goal of our #legal system.
#legal #precedent #Justice #precedents #law
@npr_bot Extracts from the article
“..It's one of thousands of cases involving enslaved people that lawyers and judges continue to cite as good precedent, more than a century after the 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the U.S…
The project aims to push the legal profession to grapple with its links to slavery, an overdue reckoning that Simard hopes will start with lawyers and judges acknowledging their use of the troubling precedents….
As part of that effort, Simard successfully advocated for the Bluebook — the country's legal citation style guide — to add a rule requiring cases involving enslaved people to be labeled with a parenthetical, just as moot or overturned cases are….
Where enslaved people were parties in a case, the citation will read "(enslaved party)." Where they were the subject of a property or legal dispute, the footnote should include "(enslaved person at issue)."..
Simard says the feature has been used some 70 times in secondary sources and by four different judges since the change took effect in the 2021 edition, which he sees as an exciting first step…”
#slavery #law #precedents #npr
If you’re a #lawyer doing #documentAutomation or wanting to do some for your #precedents here’s a #TopTip: prepare your precedent for automation first. Cleanse it. Use highlighting or brackets to indicate the fields that should be automated. That way, when you insert fields, the automation will be effortless. Just like the master woodcutter spends more time sharpening his axe, prepare your precedents!
#lawyer #documentAutomation #precedents #toptip
#International_Tech_News | #BIG_GOV | #BIG_FAITH
#Clarence_Thomas suggests court should #reconsider #same_sex #marriage, contraceptives
In his concurring opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas said the court should review other #precedents #including its 2015 decision #legalizing #same_sex_marriage.
Disclaimer: http://DavidVTV.com and/or its owners [http://Tastingtraffic.com]
#Same_Sex_Marriage #Legalizing #including #precedents #marriage #same_sex #reconsider #clarence_thomas #Big_Faith #BIG_GOV #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS