It would be cool to see a view of our orbit around the sun, with tiny markers stacked up at each day of the orbit for everyone born on that date. And then markers for everyone on the next day, when the Earth had moved a day's distance forward.

For all humans ever born. Different colors for different historic periods.

Our orbit is elliptical, and precesses, so it wouldn't be a line of color-stacked columns, it would be a band between two circles.

Oh: happy birthday.


Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Fischer · @cosmos4u
1000 followers · 917 posts · Server scicomm.xyz

"If our has a core, some of the stars orbiting about the supermassive (Sgr A*) would be crossing the soliton core boundary. In this article, we report the first theoretical study on how the dark matter soliton core near the Sgr A* could affect the surrounding stellar orbital ": arxiv.org/abs/2212.01979

#precession #blackhole #soliton #darkmatter #GalacticCentre

Last updated 2 years ago