Teresa McCormack closed the #SPP2023 #preconference on #memory with “The value of remembering and anticipating experiences: a developmental perspective”
It was—as Teresa put it—dangerously close to an #xPhi talk. It adapted a famous thought experiment (from Derek Parfit?) to test kids’ and adults’ intuitions about how much we care about past, present, or future versions of us.
Follow Dr. McCormack on gScholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=g9T7yn8AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
#spp2023 #preconference #memory #xPhi #personalidentity #philmind #psychology #DevPsych #p4c
Markus Werning presented “Episodic memory as a predictive process: minimal hippocampal traces as error signals and the role of precision weights” at the #SPP2023 #preconference on #memory
Find Markus’s work on gScholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=V87KRwsAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
#spp2023 #preconference #memory #neuroscience #ComputationalModeling
John Anderson presented “The Environmental Basis of Memory”, at #SPP2023’s #preconference on #memory.
Dr. Anderson applied “rational analysis” of human cognition (based on only goals, the environment, and constraints of the cognitive system) to explain memory (with Milson in 1989) and find evidence for this (with Schooler in 1991).
More recent #bigData from #Reddit and #Twitter fit the model.
Dr. Anderson’s career on gScholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=PGcc-RIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
#spp2023 #preconference #memory #bigdata #reddit #twitter #cogsci #ComputationalModeling
Catching up on the #SPP2023 #preconference on #memory:
Felipe De Brigaard introduced us to the topic and some recent trends before a series of talks ensued.
#spp2023 #preconference #memory #philosophy #philmind #philosophyofmemory #google #ngram
Freund, Feind oder friedvolle Ko-Existenz? Organisationale #Gesundheitskompetenz und Qualitätsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen. Die #Preconference des DNGK auf dem Kongress “Gesundheitskompetenz in Krisenzeiten”. https://dngk.de/jahrestagung/#pre
#gesundheitskompetenz #preconference #dngk #healthliteracy #dgsmp
That feeling when you know you forgot something… and then can only register for two of the three rescheduled seminars you wanted to audit during the #scms23 #preconference #scms23preconference
#scms23 #preconference #scms23preconference