"Dozens of researchers participated in the same series of online conferences on COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021 and many have received demands for payment from Villa Europa. At least five are being pursued through courts in their own countries for fees of tens of thousands of euros, although several researchers are fighting back." - @ScienceMagazine
HT @dsalo
#predatoryconferences #villaeuropa #webinars
Costly invite? Scientists hit with massive bills after speaking at #COVID19 ‘#webinars’
👉 Researchers are fighting back against a mysterious conference organizer and an arbitration court that may not exist...
#Science #AAAS #ethics #predatory #PredatoryConferences #VillaEuropa
#COVID19 #webinars #science #aaas #ethics #predatory #predatoryconferences #villaeuropa
Just been invited to speak at a materials science conference. Presumably they want people from any discipline as long as they present some kind of material.
Just had an invitation to present at a laser optics conference. Wonder what they want me to focus on.
Julian Franken von der @tibhannover identifiziert bei der #vBIB22 potenzielle Erkennungsmerkmale von #PredatoryConferences:
- enorm hohe Teilnahmegebühren
- keine Organisation als Veranstalter angegeben
- keine juristische Person unter dem als Veranstalter angegebenen Namen auffindbar
- juristische Person in einem anderen Land als angegeben registriert
- Zusammenlegung mit anderen Konferenzen ohne vorherige Ankündigung
- offensichtliche Interessenkonflikte.