A snippet from one of my spam emails this morning to make you smile...
"Your belief in my efforts will create the good reputation for my Journal. I believe in you that your eminent manuscript will turn my life, help to achieve higher position and better rank.
I hope to rejoice this week with your article."
Unfortunately, they won't be rejoicing.
#Spam #PredatoryJournal #Manuscript #Article #Academia @academicchatter
#spam #predatoryjournal #manuscript #article #academia
In the past week I've received academic spam requests from Johnny Depp and George Orwell
#academia #academicSpam #predatoryJournal #research #academics
#academia #AcademicSpam #predatoryjournal #research #academics
Der Übergang von seriösem Fachblatt zum #PredatoryJournal ist fließend. Was selbst bei erfahrenen Forschungstreibenden zu unerfreulichen Publikationserfahrungen führen kann. — Henrik Müller hat in unserem neuen Heft ein Fallbeispiel für solch "räuberische Grauzonen": 👉 https://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/hintergrund/hg/hg_23_01_03.php
Unser neues Heft 1-2/2023 ist draußen!
Mit Titel-Thema "#Genomik in #Biodiversität & #Naturschutz"
Außerdem: #PredatoryJournals; #Klonen; #Alzheimer-Amyloide; #Protein-Kugeln; #Alphafold 2-Nachfolger; #Optogenetik u.v.m.
Das ganze Heft online: 👉 https://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/aktuell/index.php
#genomik #biodiversitat #naturschutz #predatoryjournal #klonen #Alzheimer #protein #AlphaFold #optogenetik
Oh Schreck – das Journal, in dem mein letztes Paper erschien, hat sich als #PredatoryJournal entpuppt! Wie kriege ich es jetzt von den Räubern wieder zurück? …
— Thema unserer "Freitags-Kolumne": 👉 https://www.laborjournal.de/editorials/2671.php
#predatoryjournal #researchpublishing #predatorypublishing
I assume I’m not alone in getting peer review requests that are entirely outside my realm of expertise. I wonder what possible keywords are linked to me in predatory journal land…
(I’m a clinical health psychologist 😂)
#academia #peerReview #PredatoryJournal #predatorypublishers #Wut
#academia #peerreview #predatoryjournal #predatorypublishers #Wut
I guess the TLDR here that I wanted to share is
1) Especially if you're early career, don't get suckered in by these predatory journal scams. It hurts you, it hurts the scientific community, and it gives these con artists more money for domain registration and Fiverr logos.
2) As a community, we really have to re-examine our obsession with metrics like impact factor and h-index. Goodhart's Law: when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a meaningful measure.
Another day, another email from a predatory journal 🥴 This one was particularly sticky because the email came on the same morning that I was expecting a decision on my paper from the workshop I'd submitted to (turns out, the workshop decided last night to extend the "notification to authors" date til January). I had uploaded a preprint to ArXiv when submitting, and this scam group must have scraped that data. Here's how I knew it was a scam:
#phd #scicomm #predatoryjournal #academia
@macroliter @alexcc yeah... there's a nihilism to publishing (earned), but I asked if there really were differences among the publishers folks often discuss as #PredatoryJournal (e.g. Frontiers, MDPI). Held a poll, found out at least the rep is different. Then in analysis, found the same trend in terms of insular citations within network compared to expectation (via IF/SJR ratio).
#MDPI really is comparable to proper predatory publishers like Bentham or OMICS.
Dear #predatoryJournal.
I hope there is more than one member in your editorial board. Also, I am unfortunately not Mary K. Gaillard. But as you operate double blind none of this really matters.
BTW, Ƅ is used in the Zhuang language, not in English.