Over on NeuroDojo, @DoctorZen reports the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia won't fund publications in Hindawi, Frontier and #MDPI 🤨http://neurodojo.blogspot.com/2023/08/malaysia-puts-pressure-on-researchers.html Presumably they have reason to consider them #PredatoryPublishers but not stated in the annoucment... and did they mean Frontiers Media SA?
Looking for the right journal for your research?
Have a read of this @dem_researcher blog post on #PredatoryPublishers & step-by-step considerations to choose the right journal.
so... re: the new discourse on #PredatoryPublishing #PredatoryPublishers... y'all know that's industry propaganda right? the "think, check, submit" thing is a dead giveaway. see the contributing organizations section: https://thinkchecksubmit.org/about/
Who exactly benefits from labeling journals as predatory publishers? might be the industry they're siphoning off business from. As APC-driven OA really becomes dominant, the big 5 will of course launch more of their own journals with indistinguishable practices, just a lot more lobbying and branding power. Don't take my word for it, that's just what they have literally said they're going to do.
#predatorypublishing #predatorypublishers
I share Zen Faulkes' concerns about who exactly https://predatoryreports.org/ is and how they judge #PredatoryPublishers and #PredatoryJournals (most recently #MDPI, certainly now a questionable publisher): https://neurodojo.blogspot.com/2023/03/a-star-chamber-for-predatory-journal.html
P.S. Is Zen on Mastodon yet?
#MDPI #PredatoryJournals #predatorypublishers
What is your most hated salutation of a #predatory journal/conference?
#predatory #predatorypublishing #predatorypublishers
@krishartmann @academicchatter
Point?—Same with all span, 1 in a bunch hits fertile ground. And they send our billions.
Getting out?—You can't, once the legit pubs published your email.
Why no warning? Well, Wiley (legit), e.g., took over Hindawi (semi-predatory) in 2021. It's good business, highest profit margins are made always by quantity not quality (we call that "free market")
Also, the legit and the #PredatoryPublishers may rely on the same cheap proofsetting agencies.
I assume I’m not alone in getting peer review requests that are entirely outside my realm of expertise. I wonder what possible keywords are linked to me in predatory journal land…
(I’m a clinical health psychologist 😂)
#academia #peerReview #PredatoryJournal #predatorypublishers #Wut
#academia #peerreview #predatoryjournal #predatorypublishers #Wut
Here's an interesting reflection on the editorial process at a sometimes perceived to be predatory publisher - https://www.leidenmadtrics.nl/articles/reflections-on-guest-editing-a-frontiers-journal
My takeaway - I'll probably continue avoiding (submitting to or reviewing for) Frontiers journals. But the perspective from these authors/editors is welcome!
#peerreview #predatorypublishers