@nadel @cogneurophys
Thanks for doing this! I love this series almost as much as the sight of you following white tie dress code (!!)
At the risk of seeming sycophantic, as a grad student I always appreciated your encyclopedic knowledge esp. "there's nothing new under the sun" earlier work that warrants more recognition, or historical details, a la https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hipo.23027
So I'd love to hear underappreciated or unsung heroes, esp. to counteract the Matthew effect.
more hashtag fun #episodicmemory #contextmemory #neuroanatomy #memory #neuroscience #predictiveCoding #navigation
#episodicmemory #contextmemory #neuroanatomy #memory #neuroscience #predictivecoding #navigation
Nice #newPaper on #predictiveCoding:
Dynamic Predictive Coding: A New Model of Hierarchical Sequence Learning and Prediction in the Cortex
Linxing Preston Jiang, Rajesh P. N. Rao (https://twitter.com/lpjiang97, https://twitter.com/RajeshPNRao - not on mastodon yet?)
elegantly extends our previous work with fixed kernels which was used to understand the flash-lag effect by learning predictive filters...
@AskPippa #predictivecoding is an interesting #neuroscience topic, and I appreciate that it was featured. I have to point out that years of direct neuronal recording (non-human animal research) preceded and prompted aspects of the models mentioned. From corollary discharge and receptive field remapping in active sensing to “look-ahead” place cell sweeps and #replay. Even the elegant @tyrell_turing work mentioned was predated by eg Gavornik and Bear.
#predictivecoding #neuroscience #replay