Nothing is real. Your every thought and action is affected by expectations brewed up in the nonconscious mind, the theory of #PredictiveProcessing contends. It aims to explain everything from a good golf swing to perceptions of chronic pain, even #consciousness itself. It has emerged from research in #philosophy, #psychiatry and #neuroscience. The big question: Can we exert control over the nonconscious brain and alter how we perceive everything and how we act and react?
#predictiveprocessing #consciousness #philosophy #psychiatry #neuroscience
being #transgender and #nonbinary goes far beyond us
not only is the medical science the first steps towards #transhumanism
#trans and #enby ppl force revisitation of #hyperpriors, a huge step in exposing the #absurdism we live under, a huge step in dismantling it
#CognitiveScience #Neuroscience #PredictiveProcessing #AcidCommunism #MarkFisher #AcidCapitalism #OshanJarow #Capitalism #LateStageCapitalism #HyperCapitalism #PostCapitalism #SocialConstruction
#transgender #nonbinary #transhumanism #trans #enby #hyperpriors #absurdism #cognitivescience #neuroscience #predictiveprocessing #acidcommunism #markfisher #acidcapitalism #oshanjarow #capitalism #latestagecapitalism #hypercapitalism #postcapitalism #socialconstruction
Marco Treven on why psychiatric disorders such as Parkinson's involve circuits that go beyond the brain. If so, how can active inference help illuminate these feedback relationships?
Parkinson’s disease, affordances, and networks #KLI #ActiveInference #PredictiveProcessing #Affordances #parkinsons #circuitopathies
#KLI #activeinference #predictiveprocessing #affordances #parkinsons #circuitopathies
Here's a short blogpost on our latest paper on #predictiveprocessing in Synthese: (see – #openaccess)
#predictiveprocessing #openaccess
Following our previous approach establishing that #anxiety increases behavioral ritualization, we now show that #ritualization may help decrease anxiety, albeit only for participants more susceptible to anxiety induction.
#predictiveprocessing #bayesianbrain #ritual #ritualization #anxiety #newpaperalert