Now available as a free podcast here:
#PretermBirth #Preemies #PretermLabour #Pregnancy #reproduction #NICU #NeonatalCare #MedMastodon
#MedMastodon #neonatalcare #nicu #reproduction #pregnancy #pretermlabour #preemies #PretermBirth
Thank goodness for the #Canadian #healthcare system. Situations like these in other countries such as the #USA could lead to financial ruin.
#PretermBirth #Preemies #PretermLabour #pregnancy #NeonatalIntensiveCare
#neonatalintensivecare #pregnancy #pretermlabour #preemies #PretermBirth #USA #healthcare #canadian
Story of the world's most premature twins underlines medical, moral challenges of dangerously early births
#PretermBirth #preemies #pregnancy #PretermLabour #reproduction #canada
#Canada #reproduction #pretermlabour #pregnancy #preemies #PretermBirth
Guinness World Record for the most premature twins...
"Ms. Rajendram gave birth to her son and daughter shortly after midnight on the day she reached the 22-week mark of pregnancy – a critical threshold. Had she delivered just a few hours earlier, the babies would have been offered nothing more than comfort care and died in their parents’ arms." #healthcare #preemies
Global News BC: Cameras at babies’ bedsides in B.C. neonatal intensive care unit comfort parents #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NeonatalIntensiveCareUnit #HospitalforSickChildren #RichmondHospital #prematurebabies #NeonatalCare #NICUcameras #preemies #Richmond #Health #NICU
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #NeonatalIntensiveCareUnit #HospitalforSickChildren #RichmondHospital #prematurebabies #NeonatalCare #NICUcameras #preemies #richmond #health #NICU
Congratulations to all #Preemies, #Preemieparents, all those rock stars doing outstanding jobs in #NICUs around the planet.
Today is #WorldPrematurityDay!
#preemies #preemieparents #nicus #worldprematurityday