on the occasion of #TowelDay ,
watching a remake -
and these words now sound oddly prophetic:
Ford #Prefect: [about #Vogons] "They don't think, they don't imagine, most of them can't even spell. They just run things."
#chatgpt #thereisnoai #LLM #ml #ai #Vogons #prefect #towelday
Noticias sobre Python y Datos de la semana, episodio 75 🐍⚙️
En resumen: Versiones nuevas de CausalNex, Pillow, Ray, y Prefect, dashboards sin backend con stlite y voici, cruzando el antimeridiano sin dramas, y malos tiempos para Binder.
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#causalnex #pillow #ray #prefect #streamlit #dashboards #gis #binder #euroscipy #python #pydata #noticieropythonydatos
#causalnex #pillow #ray #prefect #streamlit #dashboards #gis #binder #euroscipy #python #PyData #noticieropythonydatos
Noticias sobre Python y Datos de la semana, episodio 73 🐍⚙️
En resumen: Versiones nuevas de JupySQL, Modin, Prefect y más, machine learning "doble", detección de comunidades en grafos, ojo a la chi2 de scikit-learn, y noticias del viejo Spyder
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#python #pydata #jupysql #ploomber #modin #prefect #doubleml #networkx #sklearn #spyder
#python #PyData #jupysql #ploomber #modin #prefect #DoubleML #networkx #Sklearn #spyder
#sdtps And as soon as it was in the #dawning, the chief #priests, having made bargaining #consultations with the #Torah #scholars and the whole #Sanhedrin, had the me led away and handed over to #Prefect #Pontius #Pilate, for they were without #authority to do anything further to the me.
#laws #religioustext #religiouswriting #sacredtext #sacredwritings #pentateuch #liturgic #histodons #TIBTM169
#sdtps #dawning #priests #consultations #torah #scholars #sanhedrin #prefect #pontius #pilate #authority #laws #religioustext #religiouswriting #sacredtext #sacredwritings #pentateuch #liturgic #histodons #tibtm169