Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
72 followers · 53 posts · Server mastodon.au

Have you ever wondered how votes are counted in Australia? Well, it's a bit different from other countries! Australia uses a preferential voting system, which means that voters rank the candidates in order of preference on their ballot paper.

When the votes are counted, the first preference votes are tallied up. If a candidate has over 50% of the votes, they win outright. If not, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and their second preference votes are distributed to the remaining candidates. Your second preference and so on carries the full value of your vote.

This process of elimination and preference distribution continues until one candidate has over 50% of the votes and is declared the winner. This means that even if your first preference candidate doesn't win, your vote can still have an impact on the outcome.

So next time you vote in an Australian election, remember to rank your preferred candidates in order of preference. Your vote could make all the difference!

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AEC how votes are counted and preferential voting:



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#australiavotes #fusion #fusionparty #votefusion #auspol #government #ethicalgovernance #education #politics #election #yourvotematters #preferentialvoting

Last updated 1 year ago

Laurie · @RetroGrouch
1 followers · 14 posts · Server mastodon.social

I love mandatory, exhaustive . It means 1) extreme parties rarely get more than a couple of seats, and 2) my vote is never wasted; I could vote 1-Socialist (great platform but no chance), 2-Green (good platform and a slight chance), and 3-Labour (mostly good platform and have a good chance of winning).

That way we send messages to the Labour Party that we want them to be more Left and environmental without the risk of voting for a Tory.

#preferentialvoting #australianpolitics #elections

Last updated 2 years ago