After years of trying, 6 cycles of iui & 3 ivf transfers, we are finally due to get our miracle in February 2024.
I am looking for suggestions of recommended reading for #pregnacy & #FirstTimemum s
In particular, any recommendations to do with being #Pregnant & #Autistic, #Bipolar &/or aged 40+ would be appreciated.
#pregnacy #firsttimemum #pregnant #Autistic #bipolar #BookRecommendations #MentalHealth #firsttimemom
Since in Texas, #life legally begins at conception, mother's should be allowed to sue their babies for compensation caused by phycological distress due to a problematic #pregnacy.
#life #pregnacy #justiceformothers
Action Aid UK
The Government plans to lock up pregnant women indefinitely if they seek asylum in the UK after arriving by small boat or other so-called ‘irregular’ routes. But together, we can stop this cruelty.
If thousands of us email our MPs now, they could soon vote to stop the government scrapping the existing 72-hour limit on the detention of pregnant asylum seekers. Will you email your MP now?
#refugees #womensbodies #womensrights #pregnacy
3) iNews have also published a feature on pregnancy in prison (£). Written by Lauren Crosby-Medlicott, it features the voices of women who were pregnant in prison, our call for change, and the support of Dr Ranee Thakar, President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists! You can read the article (behind a paywall) here –
which also made it to print!
#womensbodies #womensrights #prison #pregnacy
1) The inquest into the death of baby Aisha at HMP Bronzefield has just finished. While it was ongoing, Level Up supporters sent over 700 moving messages of solidarity to her mother. If you wrote a message of support, thank you.
2) ELLE magazine has published an amazing feature on pregnancy in prison. Written by Suyin Hayes, it features the voices of women who were pregnant in prison, as well as our call for change.
#womensbodies #womensrights #prison #pregnacy
‘All pregnant women are in danger’: protests in Poland after expectant mother dies in hospital
Ombudsman rules that hospital in Nowy Targ failed to tell Dorota Lalik, 33, that her life was in danger and could be saved by an abortion
#womensbodies #womensrights #abortion #pregnacy