Peru police find pre-Hispanic era mummy in man’s bag

Police in Peru have seized a mummified human presumed to be between 600 and 800 years old from a former food delivery man who claimed to have had it for three decades.

The mummy was found in an isothermal bag, which the man had previously used to deliver food to people’s homes.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Peru police find pre-Hispanic era mummy in man’s bag

Police in Peru have seized a mummified human presumed to be between 600 and 800 years old from a former food delivery man who claimed to have had it for three decades.

The mummy was found in an isothermal bag, which the man had previously used to deliver food to people’s homes.

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#prehipanic #mummy #archaeologynews #archaologie #archeologue #arkeoloji #archaeology

Last updated 2 years ago