Beyond beauty…this music will bring back heaven to Hawaii. Hawaii is always in my heart… #aloha #prem #om
Prem proceeds to roast away all stress on ‘MTV Roadies: Karm Ya Kaand’ #Prem #‘MTVRoadies #KarmYaKaand’ #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #karmyakaand #prem
Nou, hij heeft toch even voor publiciteit gezorgd.
Beetje te vroeg, wellicht. De timing was niet perfect.
Maar wat doe ik nou met al die popcorn die ik al had ingeslagen voor de verkiezingscampagne?
#verkiezingen #Prem #PvdA #GL
Prem opens up on his dream to meet SRK: Highly inspired by his dedication, zeal #Prem #SRK #Highly #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #Highly #SRK #prem
Prem on working with Vipul Amrutlal Shah: Made me feel like a star #Prem #VipulAmrutlalShah # #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #vipulamrutlalshah #prem Finding home again… #afghanistan #community #prem
Many journeys back to Eden…Jimmy is taking the road less traveled. Thank you Jimmy Carter… 🙏❤️🕊 #jimmycarter #roadlesstraveled #prem #peace #humility
#jimmycarter #roadlesstraveled #prem #peace #humility
Optimierungs- und Umsetzungsempfehlungen für die Klimaneutralität bei Bestandsimmobilien der öffentlichen Hand aus praktischen Erfahrungen 💡
Die Kompetenzgruppe Public #RealEstate #Management (#PREM) der gif Gesellschaft für Immobilienwirtschaftliche Forschung e. V. erarbeitete unter der Leitung von Frau Dr. Eleonore Pöll (MCEP Management #Consulting) das neue Workingpaper zum Thema „Klimaschutzprogramme für öffentliche Immobilienbestände“. Ziel dieser Publikation ist es, Optimierungs- und Umsetzungsempfehlungen für eine erfolgreiche Erzielung der #Klimaneutralität bei den Bestandsimmobilien der öffentlichen Hand aus Erfahrungen und Erkenntnissen von Immobilienorganisationen im öffentlichen Bereich aus Praxissicht zu geben. Dazu werden die Rahmenbedingungen, die externen und internen Herausforderungen der Aufgabenstellung und erfolgreiche Umsetzungsoptionen aufgezeigt.
#Klimaschutz #Klimakrise #Bau #Immobilien #Immobilienwirtschaft #Verwaltung
#realestate #management #prem #consulting #klimaneutralitat #klimaschutz #klimakrise #bau #immobilien #immobilienwirtschaft #verwaltung He is so eloquent… #compassion #prem #kindnessmatters #kindness
#compassion #prem #kindnessmatters #kindness
3/ I live with chronic illness - there are no easy answers. Joe Dispenza’s message is a temptation, but he does not offer much except stress relieving tools and entertainment. My only advice is to just be kind to yourself, give yourself time for all feelings, forgive, listen to your favorite music and then add some strong radical acceptance. Life is good - and a little better with modern medicine, faith and gratitude. I wish all of you the same. 🙏❤️🕊 #newage #puritan #miraclecure #faith #prem
#newage #puritan #miraclecure #faith #prem I had a chance to watch this great little movie. Peace by Chocolate. I read about the family but had forgotten. Hmmmmm…if we could solve all our issues with chocolate, I am for it. #Peace #kindness #prem A mind blowing discussion and excellent break from the chaos of earth. A discussion on the connection of spirituality and physics. Don Hoffman, Ph.D. brings incredible insight into the intersection of consciousness and science. #physics #nonduality #consciousness #time #space #om #prem
#physics #nonduality #consciousness #time #space #om #prem
After fleeing war, Ukrainians rush to help Mississippi tornado victims 🥹🥹🥹 - a modern parable of the old woman with a penny offering…the beauty of compassion and love in action. Tears are flowing… #slavaukraini #prem #love #brotherhood 🙏❤️🕊
#SlavaUkraini #prem #love #brotherhood Thank you #danrather . I am a huge #senfetterman fan…more than ever. Humility and radical acceptance makes us strong, something those that are pretending they are powerful should note. Way to go John! We love you - more than you know. #depression #prem
#danrather #senfetterman #depression #prem 😻😻😻😻😻 #heart #thatisallthereis #love #prem #caturday love.
#heart #thatisallthereis #love #prem #Caturday God is… In these insane days of violence and chaos, a loving and heartfelt article to warm our goodness. There is never an end…the heart remembers…always. 🙏❤️🕊
#realhoarse #prem #comfort #peace #love #justanicestory
#realhoarse #prem #comfort #peace #love #justanicestory Milton Nascimento has the voice of an angel…Paul Simon is beyond incredible but Milton is bliss... Beautiful… #miltonnascimento #paulsimon #spiritvoices #spirit #prem #bliss
#miltonnascimento #paulsimon #spiritvoices #spirit #prem #bliss
“For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?” - Matthew 7:8-9. #LOA #ImaginePeace #peace #prem #silentsunday #contemplation
#loa #imaginepeace #peace #prem #silentsunday #contemplation