Pregnant women exposed to fatal police violence face a small increase in the risk of having a premature birth, particularly among Black mothers. #PrematureBirth #PoliceViolence #RaceDisparities #NICHDimpact
#prematurebirth #policeviolence #racedisparities #NICHDimpact
Among Black women: light brown skin tone (compared to medium and dark) was linked lower levels of premature birth among Generation X.
#NICHDimpact #HealthDisparities #Skin #PrematureBirth #GenX #GenerationX
#NICHDimpact #healthdisparities #skin #prematurebirth #genx #generationx
In the 12 years since Makena was fast-tracked by the FDA, about 350,000 patients received pricey injections to prevent premature birth, a major health issue facing children and families.
There was just one problem: there’s no evidence Makena actually works. My latest for @TheGuardian
#Makena #FDA #PrematureBirth #PretermBirth #MedMastodon
#makena #FDA #prematurebirth #PretermBirth #MedMastodon
It's self-professed "Christians" like #MikePence who give actual #Christians a bad name.
"If anyone says, 'I love God,' yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And He has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother." (1 John 4:20-21)
#BibleVerse #PeteButtigieg #Buttigieg #LGBTQ #GayParents #ParentalRights #StupidShitRepublicansSay #PrematureBirth #Bigotry #AntiLGBTQRhetoric
#mikepence #christians #bibleverse #petebuttigieg #buttigieg #lgbtq #gayparents #parentalrights #stupidshitrepublicanssay #prematurebirth #bigotry #antilgbtqrhetoric
Respiratory morbidity in preschool and school-age children born very preterm and its association with parents’ health-related quality of life and family functioning. OPEN ACCESS.
Read it on:
#children #prematurebirth #respiratorysymptoms
#children #prematurebirth #respiratorysymptoms
Sitter och räknar andningfrekvens för lillen, bedömmer om andningen är ansträngd inom medicinernas kontroll eller om vi behöver åka in. Hoppas samtidigt att akuten inte är överbelastad om vi behöver åka in igen.
Och är det RS, influensan, covid eller en vanlig förkylning? Eller lunginflammation som sist?
Vill förstås inte åka in i rädsla för att dessutom dra på oss någon av de andra härjande farsoterna.
Living in an area with high police presence increases the odds of a premature birth for both Black and white residents. Greater police presence in Black vs white neighborhoods may contribute to the persistent Black-White preterm birth disparity.
#NICHDimpact #Prematurity #PrematureBirth #Race #RacialDisparity #PretermBirth #Neighborhoods #PolicePresence #NeighborhoodPolicing
#NICHDimpact #prematurity #prematurebirth #race #racialdisparity #PretermBirth #neighborhoods #policepresence #neighborhoodpolicing
Pregnant women exposed to fatal police violence face a small increase in the risk of having a premature birth, particularly among Black mothers.
#NICHDimpact #PoliceViolence #RacialEquity #Gender #PrematureBirth #Prematurity
#NICHDimpact #policeviolence #racialequity #gender #prematurebirth #prematurity
Had some interesting discussions over dinner. Turns out people think #prematurebirth is mostly caused by drug use. That would be incorrect. Most premature birth is caused by preterm labor/ruptured membranes or pre-eclampsia, neither of which the mother can control.
I did an interview with a journalist a while back for part of an article about birth trauma. Seeing as today is world prematurity awareness day, I thought I might share it here too. 💜
#worldprematurityday #worldprematurityday2022 #prematurebirth #Birthtrauma #nicu #prematurityawareness #preemieparent