#Elezioni #RegnoUnito #Suppletive #WestLancashire
Risultati definitivi:
Affluenza: 31,4% (-40,7 rispetto al 2019)
Ashley #Dalton (#LAB|S&D): 62,3%
Mike #Prendergast (#CON|Centro-destra): 25,4%
Jonathan #Kay (#Reform|Destra populista): 4,4%
Jo #Barton (#LDEM|RE): 4,1%
Peter #Cranie (#Greens|G/EFA): 2,9%
Howling Laud #Hope (#MRLP|Satirici): 0,9%
LAB mantiene il seggio.
#elezioni #regnounito #suppletive #westlancashire #dalton #lab #prendergast #con #kay #reform #Barton #LDEM #cranie #greens #hope #mrlp
'Rainy day, Siena' (Campo Vittorio Emanuele) by Maurice Prendergast, an American artist known for his relaxed brushworked watercolors of landscapes and lively city streets. The paint applied in a pattern of bright colour..
“We cannot invent ideas, we can only gather some of those in circulation since the beginning of the world ... We endow them with the colour and form of our own time.”
RT @artprendergast: Along the Seine, 1894 #prendergast #americanart https://www.wikiart.org/en/maurice-prendergast/along-the-seine
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1543659609671569411
RT @artprendergast: Small Fishing Boats, Treport, France, 1894 #mauriceprendergast #prendergast https://www.wikiart.org/en/maurice-prendergast/small-fishing-boats-treport-france-1894
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1541529867010842625
#mauriceprendergast #prendergast